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My mother was the one to teach me how to drive. I remember all the pointers how she didn't yell at me when I messed up. I remember her smell when she would embrace me after a long day of learning. How at three am shed wake me up and take me to the parking lot downtown and we would do donuts. The adrenalin rush I felt during It was amazing and how she was right beside me the entire time. If we died during those donuts wed die together. Now my father gets in his own car driven by a driver while I'm forced into a car with Julia with a Personal driver. Whenever I'd go places I'd have to have a guard with me.

Driving Zeus truck was a whole other feeling. It felt like all my problems were gone. I was a whole other person around him I wasn't so tense. I didn't feel isolated around him. Maybe he was relaxation. I just was comfortable around him. He had passed out about two hours ago leaning against the window and I was cruising down the highway. Every now and then I peeked a look at him. His dark hair fell on his face and his pink lips looked so soft. His once hard furrowed face was now calm.

"Keep your eyes on the road sweetheart." His lips moved slightly. I jumped slightly before turning back to the road. I peeked over again he was smirking and his eyes were slightly open.

"I went to a gas station and filled your tank." I felt his body shift he sat up from leaning against the window.

"Thank you," he groans yawning. He adjusts his shirt as I drive, I focus on the Ford driving slow in front of me. Cutting me off multiple times. I move into the right lane next to us. In the corner of my eye, Zeus sits up correctly running his fingers through his hair. I roll my window down once I'm next to the Ford. A man in a dark shirt and glasses on.

"Hey, asshole. The left lane is the fast lane idiot. You cut me off, three fucking times. Where did you learn how to fucking drive you Dipshit. Not only were you drifting into my lane, three times but you're on your fucking phone. Putting my life in danger and the people you love will be devastated if you die because you were updating your Facebook status." I yell at him flicking him off. Zeus reaches over and rolls my window up as I pass the idiot.

"Blythe." He places his arm on the seat behind me. "What was that?" He runs his fingers through his hair a few more times. He must love his hair.

"He kept cutting me off." I breathe. Were so close. He hummed an okay. "He was also on his phone. And h-he looked at me and laughed right before you woke up." He hummed again this time in my ear. He leaned into me. He was inhaling I looked at him, our faces inches apart. "What are you doing?" I whisper.

"Pull over." He whispered back. I did so. The ford driver passing us. I turned towards him and his lips were the first things to meet my lips. They were soft like I knew they would be. The second was his hand pulling me closer so our lips could move in sync. I swung my leg over him so I could straddle him. Deeping the kiss. His tongue entered my mouth as his hand pushed my hair out of my face. I could taste the cigarette mixed with the peppermint candy I had. I placed my hands in his hair tugging gently. He groaned against my lips and that's when I pulled away. He kissed me gently twice before I turned to look out the window.

"Blythe." He grips my face softly forcing me to look at him. At his soft plump lips. His eyes stare right through me.

"Zeus we shou-"

"Kiss me." He whispers. He runs his thumb on my bottom lip.

"I just did."

"No, I kissed you." He pressed his lips to my jaw then a trail down my neck.

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