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I am going to be very deep on all of you for a quick second:

nEVER and I mean NEVER allow yourself to change for anyone you're interested in. NEVER let someone take advantage of you: find someone who has a desire to share and reciprocate the same feelings you're surfacing for them. never engage yourself in a one-sided relationship. and Always respect yourself guys, because dignity and self-respect withstands anything!

and Btw all of your predictions were intriguing. Odd, but intriguing.




chapter fourteen. crystallised.


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I sincerely loathe when a detail in your everyday life is altered because it screws up everything that happens routinely, and it's like a domino effect. One thing changes then the next and then the next. Until everything just gradually changes while unintentionally ruining everything you've grown accustomed to.

WE CONTINUE LIKE THIS—passionately kissing each other with Harry hovered above me on the hood of his car: kissing and pecking my lips lazily as I subconsciously reciprocate the gesture.

My eyes skim around the darkened sky and the shining stars in the open scenery. What's above is usual, but this, this thing with Harry is completely unusual. It's been years since my lips met Harry's for a kiss. Since that one night nearly five years ago; the one night I've tried hard to suppress.

We relax on the hood, unwinding and simultaneously catching our breaths as my index runs along my bottom lip: swollen and vaguely tingling every nerve in my body. 

Silence arises between the two of us and that comfort, that's habitually here in the presence of myself and Harry, disappears.

We both look at each other in unison and Harry holds an emotion I've never witnessed him wear before. Nor has it ever been directed at me. A chill sways my bones at his abrupt demeanour.

He sits up to remove himself from me, flashing me an apologetic look when he sits beside me again. A sigh escapes past the lips that were just planted on mine before his hand runs through the locks of his brunet hair. "I'm sorry for – that," he stutters out without looking nor glancing nor staring at me.

My eyebrows furrow slightly as I continue to look at Harry in search of a prominent emotion. One that'll flash across his face in the darkness. Still I shrug him off attempting to assure and shrug off his sudden regrets for the moment we've recently shared.

"It's nothing," I mumble. "It was what I wanted at the time – it's okay." and nervously I show Harry a small smile hoping that unpleasant look removes itself from the beautiful features on his face.

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