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Look who's double updating?! it's me. it's me. it really is just me. thank you all for keeping up ::)).



chapter thirty-four. inside in/inside out.


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THE FAMILIAR SETTING OF Harry's bedroom is the first sight I see waking up on Monday morning. My fist rubs at my eyes to clear the blur and fuzziness. The blue walls and posters and all from Bring Me the Horizon to Selena Gomez. A Cole Sprouse photoshoot and ... Cara Delevingne, my sister.

And that's not creepy at all – responsively I shutter before nudging Harry softly to get him up this morning. It doesn't work, though. Harry only stills as he turns on his opposite side to face the light coming from his bedroom window. Hair matted together and sticking up from all over the place eliciting an adored coo from me at the sight.

Subconsciously I run my fingers through the brunet nest of tangles — loose curls unwrap themselves from my fingertips tightly. Harry melodramatically whimpers in his sleep, I pull away as he slowly begins to wake up. An upset glare upon his face, but it softens when our eyes lock simultaneously. Disregarding the foul odour of morning breath Harry leans forward, slightly, to peck my lips.

My heart slams into my ribcage stopping a full breath when the kiss deepens and deepens like the span of the ocean. From shallow to deep to my feet can't reach the sand any longer. Harry hovers above me slowly. Our lips move passionately in unison. Until. Until. Harry's lips begin trailing across the sensitive skin near the shell of my ear. A faint whimper passes through my lips into Harry's ear when he nibbles slowly, so agonizingly slow ..

As his hips press down onto mine. Memories automatically fill through my peripheral from when Harry and I were fourteen years old, four years ago. In the same position, with the same familiarizing actions fog up my brain like exhalation on a car window in a misty-like weather.

And the usual remorse I feel thinking about our first encounter dissipates. It never even aroused, because. Because, my stomach erupts into fireworks at the thrill. My bones start weakening and all of the blood in my bloodstream take an en route down south, to a familiar destination. And I grab onto to Harry's messy bedhead of brunet hair. Pulling it gently as Harry lets out an animalistic groan.

His hips continue to jolt into my thigh whilst Harry reaches for my hips so abruptly. His head slides into the curvature of my neck as those fingertips dig into his maroon coloured jumper, but while looking to the clock – I grab onto Harry's hips to still him. There's a sigh he lets out from the lost of friction, nevertheless Harry sits up.

The look of disappointment on Harry's face causes me exhale a laugh. "I hate to rain on our parade but we have school in an hour," I say apologetically. Harry groans over-dramatically. With reluctance he climbs off of me to lay back on his bed beside me, tossing a pillow over his head whilst continuing to groan – muffled-like.

"Now I need a cold shower before school starts," Harry comments.

I HAVEN'T SEEN LOUIS in quite some time since myself and Harry have been spending days and days together. But when I see my good friend sitting in the yard with a cigarette in his hand, laptop laid securely on his knees with them buried into his chest, Im excited to see him. Even if his focus is on the illuminated screen in front of him. Nonetheless I choose to, still, approach him. Quick to ask how he's doing.

"I'm emailing another school in France," he answers. "For photography and fashion. I want to know more about the minors."

The answer causes to me to frown when I begin to feel that familiar out of place feeling arise within every time the subject of university pops up. To feel out of touch with my future and to hear an earful from someone else's is just about tortuous. Still, I can't help but feel happy for Louis and his mass of determination for his own future.

THE NEXT FEW DAYS my orders come for Christmas. I'm back home again after my father, David, and his family decided to depart, happily like the Brady Bunch. My mum wasn't too satisfied with my my behaviour that day, and she brings it to my attention the first minute I walk in the house. Quick to scold me on it, instead of comforting me with the unsettling announcement.

Since my discussion with Louis, I've been looking more into universities. Just like my father's announcement I still have that unsettling feeling whilst looking at my laptop screen because I have not the slightest clue on what to do. Where to go from, what to look into for majors and/or minors.

It's like the world is continuously moving, fast. And here I am, slowly, trying my hardest to keep up with its pace. But I can't; I have no control over society or its reality, or even mine along with my future. Which is disastrous since all of my friends are aware of what's going with them and the outside world. They have clues on what to do, where to go, what they want to be. Yet I don't, and maybe, I never will at this point.

With this abrupt wave of anger, I slam my laptop shut. Reality and my surroundings remind me that my lunch break is over. Especially since Dylan is standing before me with a paper in his fist. He smiles sympathetically at me as I frown but still grab onto the waiver:

To whomever this concerns,

We are saddened to announce that the coffee shop Punk Rock will be going out of business as of the 1st of January.

Punk Rock will be closing in its Manchester location, and relocating to the United States to help with wages.

Thank you for your time, wages, appearance, and dedication to the business. Thank you all employee and staff for your hard work and perseverance. You and your friendly faces will all be missed.

Thank You,





I'm excited to be writing this far into the story. In the way it's set up, Act II should be coming about too.

Thoughts on what you assume will happen next? Predictions you have of the Anobrain characters? Please share, I listen.

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