Red X

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It has been ordinary the past few days, criminal robbing a bank, prison escapes, etc. The only interesting thing being Cyborg sneaking into the Hive school and pretending to be a student to find out what they were planning, and having us have to go in cause Star, Robin, and Raven were getting worried. Nearly getting us killed, but other than that, not much.

Now we were running.. No chasing after some guy who stole something, you know like always. When we finally caught up with him, the others seemed to know him, but he was new to me.

"Red X?! I thought Robin was Red X!" Beast boy said.

"Think again." The guy named Red X said. He threw some red like crosses at us and I flew out of the way. I watched how he fought from behind a pillar. He continuously taunted us. I made a small fire in my hand and was about to shoot it at him, but he kept moving too much. I glared at him and shot at him with a fire ball. I flew down and helped some others. I saw Robin chase X out of the corner of my eye. I got up and chased after them both. X disappeared midair.

Star then poked Robin saying Robin was a hologram, then Beast boy said he might be a robot. I looked at where he disappeared. I flew into the air and looked around. A fire surrounded my eyes and I looked around for a heat trail.

"Nothing..." I muttered.

I flew back to the hideout with the others. On the way back, Cyborg and Beast boy were telling me about Robin and Red X issue.

"And thats what happened." Cyborg finished.

"Wow..." I said softly. We were in the Tcar, while Robin was in his motorcycle. I looked at Robin from out the window.

"Everyone makes mistakes.." I thought to myself.

We were all in he living room, except for Robin.

"Who is Red X?" Was the main question.

Beast boy brought out a board which Raven used her powers to get rid of. "We should find out what he is after since it will just be a waste of time to find out his name." I said.

"It doesn't matter who. I created Red X. Every system, every weapon. He's my responsibility." Robin said as he walked in.

"If we're going to catch him, we gotta find out what he's after." Cyborg said.

"I already know.. Synothium the fuel that powers the suit.." I had no real knowledge of synothium, but judging from Star and Raven's reaction, its pretty bad.

Cyborg then started yelling at him.

"The scanner he stole can locate Synothium within a 10 mile radius." Robin said.

"So we must locate it first." Star said.

"X isn't the only one with a scanner. I'm downloading the molecular signature to your communicators."

"Thanks, but I won't need it." Robin said as he walked out.

I stood up and followed Robin as he left the room. "Robin? How are you going to find it with no scanner?" I asked.

"The same way I did the first time." He said softly to me.

"I see.." I held his hand and gave him a hug. "Don't take this too hard. It's not your fault... You have the team behind you.. Always.." I said softly and I felt his arms around me.

"Yeah.. Thanks (Y/n)." He pulled away and I saw him smiling.

I smiled back, "now.. You go on ahead. We'll wait for Cyborg's scanner, and hopefully you get to kick his hut before we even arrive." I said smirking and going back into the room.

We were at some sort of dock. I was searching the South side. I got a transmission from Robin sending coordinates to us. I joined Robin to the roof of a building. When I got their, I saw Red and the team, but Cyborg wasn't there. I helped Star try and break the X around Beast boy and Raven.

We entered the area C fell into and we all split up. I went with Robin. "Be careful. I don't want anyone else getting hurt."

Suddenly we heard Star screaming. I turned in the direction and I felt a hand on my neck. "Well.. Hello." I turned and saw X.

"X..." Robin turned and saw me. X pulled me backwards and all the way into a vault like structure. He knocked me out and I felt myself being placed on the ground.

"Ugh.." I woke up to see Robin carry me and lay me down against a wall. "..Robin.." I said softly.

He turned to me and pet my head, "I have to get the Synothium back from a certain man, I'll come back soon." I felt something warm and soft on my forehead and he disappeared. I held my head and forced myself to stand up.

I looked at my surroundings and saw Red X in some sort of cage. I walked up to him. "Hey, beautiful. Can you let me out of this cage?" He said looking at me.

"Why should I?" I asked.

"Because... If you do, I'll tell you my identity, okay?" He said leaning towards me.

"Hmmm..." I thought to myself. "Alright..."

I opened the cage and he walked up to me. "Thanks, shorty." He ruffled my hair.

I smiled and looked up at him, "so.. Who are ya, X?"

He reached into his pocket and handed me a small slip of paper. "Meet me at that place at midnight, alright?"

I nodded and he ran off...
Who do you guys want him to be?

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