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It was dark by the time I got back to the tower. I had a small bag of fish from the sea. I flew down to the ocean and opened my bag, letting the fish out. "There ya go." I whispered and stuffed the plastic bag in my pocket so I could throw it away later.

"Wow, you're nice to, aren't you sweetie?" I turned to see Jason in his Red X suit.

"Why are you here? I thought you went home?" I asked him.

"I got bored at home." He said shrugging.

"It was 5 minutes." I said smiling at him.

"... No comment." He said and stood next to me. "Here." He passed me a small box.

I opened it and saw a key. "What's this for?" I asked him.

"For my place. I still have your bags, and you might want them back and since I might not be home so thats with.. what the keys are for.." He said mixing up his words and looking away from me.

"Thank you Jason.." I said quietly and hugged him. "I promise I won't lose it." I said and put it on a a chain that came from no where specific, (magic!) and put it on.

"Okay, well.. Goodnight.." He said and disappeared.

"Night.. X..." I muttered quietly and flew up to the tower.


It was my turn to cook breakfast and I had to get ip really early and call Gloria to help me cook by texting me directions on how to make pancakes.

After about an hour, since it took me so long to find and mix things, I took longer than I thought. I was now plating them and putting maple syrup or chocolate on them.

"Something smells good!" I heard BeastBoy yell and he ran in with Cyborg behind him, drooling.

"Woah! (Y/n)! You can cook! Like actual foo!" BeastBoy said to me sitting down with a knife and fork.

"I had to ask for help, so I hope its good." I said and washed my hands.

Raven then came in and sat down and ate saying a small, "nice work" before eating.

Star came in and ate happily without saying anything, other than "seconds, please!" I saw that Robin hadn't come in yet. I flew to his room and saw him with flat hair.

"Robin?" I called out to him.

"(Y/n)?" He turned to me with gel in his hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"My hair." He turned back to the mirror.

"I think you look better with it down though.." I muttered.

"W-well..." He stuttered and quickly did his hair and washed his hands. He then turned to me and sort of laughed.

"What?" I asked him.

"You have something.." He pointed to his cheek. "Right there.." He said.

"really?" I put my hand on my cheek and tried to rub it off.

"No let me.." He said and wiped something of my cheek. "Mm, chocolate." He said and smiled at me.

I blushed and looked away, "well.. Your breakfast is getting cold... so hurry up..." I said and walked out.

After Robin ate I was cleaning the dishes. I was extremely bored and wanted to go out and play around or at least go outside. I sat on the couch and fiddled with Jason's key around my neck. "Actually, he didn't even tell me where he lives.." I muttered and sat up grabbing my phone. Until Robin grabbed it before me.

Robin X Reader (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ