Special: Christmas! Part 1

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~This will decide some things in future chapters of the story~
The awkward outing with Robin and Jason was days ago, and now it's almost this season called Christmas! Whatever it was, it seemed like it was fun, and decided to try it. 

I was in my room looking at pictures of gifts. I had already wrapped gifts for the team, Dan and Gloria. Just need to buy and wrap ones for Robin and Jason. "What can I even get them..." I muttered softly and looked at my ceiling.

"(Y/n)!" I turned to see it was Cyborg.

"Yeah Cy?" I said sitting on my bed looking at him.

"I don't know what I should buy for Raven!" He complained. "What did you get?!" He asked me running up to me.

"Another book." I said.

"How do you know what book to buy her?" He asked me.

"I asked her..." I said to him.


"Cy?" I waved my hands in front of his face and he stood up and walked out of my room. "Well.. okay." I said and shrugged.

Jason hasn't texted me back for about a week. I asked Gloria and she told me something about grades and dances. I wonder what a school dance was. Dan even texted me if I want to go to the dance with him, but I said I don't know since I wasn't sure what a dance was.

"I should go ask Robin.." I said and stood up and went to look for him in the one place he will most likely be, the training room. The automatic door opened and I went in to see him practicing his punches.

"Do you need something, (Y/n)?" He asked me.

"How'd you know it was me?" I asked him.

"The others talk while thee come in." he said and turned to me drinking water.

"Robin, whats a school dance?" I said walking up to him.

"It's a thing at schools where the kids dance with their friends or dates at a certain location, usually at night. Why?" he asked me.

"Dan asked if I wanted to go with Jay to the dance." I said and took out my phone.

"You're not going!" He said and quickly grabbed my phone.

"I was just going to ask them to hang out." I said pouting.

".. fine.." he said and gave me my phone.

"Thanks Robin. You can trust me you know." I smiled at him and waved bye as I left to go hang out with the others.

~timeskip: a random cafe~

I arrived and saw everyone sitting together drinking something. I sat in the only empty seat, next to Jason. "Hey, am I late?" I asked them.

"Nah, we were early." Jason said and handed me an extra drink.

"Thanks." I smiled at him and sipped it, "Oh, (Fav drink)!" i smiled at him.

"Yep, I know you love it." he said smiling at me.

"We'll leave you two to your.. thing.." Dan said and grabbed Gloria and ran off to a different table.

"What was that about?" I said and looked at Jason.

"Hey, umm.. can I ask you something?" he asked me.

"Yeah sure." I said smiling at him.

".. well Christmas is coming up and my school is holding a dance, it's stupid really, but can you come with me as my.... my uh .... da..." he said the last few words quietly so I couldn't hear t=him that well and was pulling at his collar.

Robin X Reader (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora