The prophecy p1

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It was late at night, until the alarm went off. I sat up and met up with the others outside. We quickly went to a demolished side of town, and we saw slade. After a huge fight, I worked on putting out the fire so it wouldn't spread into the city. I then went to meet up with the others in front of an old library. "According to the city's master plans, this is the towns original city library." Cyborg said to us. "But it's been abandoned for decades." he added.

"What's a library?" I thought to myself.

"No wonder this place is a dump." Beastboy kicked one of the pillars, breaking it, then the sign that said library fell. 

"The mark of scath." Robin said an I looked up to see the marking that we kept seeing on slade's head. "Slade told me the name." Robin said more towards Raven then to us.

(In case you don't know what i'm talking bout)

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(In case you don't know what i'm talking bout)

"Wait. We shouldn't go in." We all turned to Raven. "It's probably a trap." She said.

"It's also our only lead. We'll just have to chance it." He said and looked towards Star and me.

We both nodded and she grabbed one of the doors and I grabbed the other. We both pulled the door open then threw it to the side. Cyborg went in front of us and lit up the way. I walked by Robin, looking at the vast amount of books.

"It's a dead end." I said as we came up to a wall.

"There's nothing here. Can we go now?" Raven asked us.

A door suddenly opened and Beastly screamed a bit. "uhhh, I mean.. cool. Secret passage. You go first." Beastboy said to Cyborg.

Cyborg went inside and we came down to a sort of entrance with creepy statues on the wall. "Are all your libraries... creepy?" I asked them, unconsciously stepping closer to Robin.

Suddenly the whole room was lit up with red markings and the statues eyes glowed white. They then chanted a weird speech, about a gem, a portal, and the end of all things mortal. "Raven?" I turned and saw Raven run out with Robin following her. I pouted and felt a strange feeling gripping my chest.

"Go after her why don't you... leaving me in this creepy place.." I thought and turned.

"It sounds like some sort of prophecy." Star said listening to Cyborg's recording of the strange chant.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good." Cyborg said.

"This seems bad, even for slade." BeastBoy said.

"Not slade, whoever he is working for." Robin said.

"Scath" Star said.

"The gem shall be his portal." Robin recited walking towards us. "Swath is coming, and this gem is how he gets here." Robin walked past us and towards the door behind us. "If we're going to find it, we need to find it and destroy it." he then kicked the door.

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