Doom Patrol p2

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"Where are we?" I asked Robin as we were huddled around a fire in the middle of a forest.

"Don't worry about it." He smiled and moved a wet strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear. 

"Thanks." I smiled and then looked up at the others.

"If Beastboy is going, so are we." I said as they gave Beastboy a mask, inviting him along with them.

"I really wouldn't go there. Trust me." The bandages guy said.

"You kids have no idea what we're up against." Robot man said to us.

"Well, from the looks of things, you need all the help you can get." Cy said pointing at Robotman.

"Listen up punks. The little runt was in the Doom Patrol-" He was then cut off by cyborg then there arguments mixed and mingled together.

"Oh boy.." I sighed as everyone else started to argue and talk about who goes and who doesn't.

"I said I'll go!" Beastboy yelled above the arguing.

"Beastboy, you don't have to do this." Robin said to him.

"Actually, I do." Beastboy said and pulled on his mask.

"Then it's settled. Doom patrol, move out!" Mento said and left with his team.

Beast boy looked back at us, "Don't worry guys, I'll be fine." He smiled and gave us a thumbs up. He then turned and ran.

"Robin, we must do something. We cannot just... leave.." Star said to him.

"That's the last thing we're going to do Starfire." Robin said determined.

When morning came, we discreetly followed after the Doom patrol. "You know, this is a bad idea..." I said as I carried Robin.

"You didn't have to carry me." He said to me.

"It's faster this way." I said smiling down at him.

~Robin's pov~

"Should I even be complaining?" I thought looking up at her. "I mean, she is holding my hand, and her hand is warm... and soft..." I thought then shook my head. "No. Stop it. She has a boyfriend.." I thought and looked down.

~back to the reader~

When Robin continued to complain about me carrying him, I put him on the ground with Cy. I flew next to Star and we simply talked about random things. "They are being very loud despite trying to be stealthy.." I said and looked at the others.

On our way to the base, we saved Robotman, Negative man, or bandages, and the girl who could manipulate her size. When we got to the base, me and Star made a hole in the wall as our entrance.

"I should've warned you. We're not so great at doing what we're told." Robin said.

"I'll let it slide. Let's do this!" Mento said.

"That's a change in a tiptoed." I thought as I flew up and burned some of the robots. I managed to get the ones behind Beastboy. I then flew back down and looked at the platform to see the giant gorilla got beastboy.

"He's targeting the tower!" Cy said looking at the screen.

"Not just the tower, the entire city." I said and clenched my fists.

"Titans/Doom Patrol... Go!/Move out!" Robin and Mentos said.

I quickly blasted the robots blocking me, melting them down to the ground. I then heard a loud beeping. I looked at the screen. "Thats here!" I said and I turned and we all hurriedly left the area.

From outside, we saw the entire base get sucked into a black hole. "Let's see them rebuild that." Beast boy said triumphantly.

"You kids, you titans. Did okay." Mento said to us.

"You're welcome." Raven responded.

"So what's next? The brotherhood of evil got away." Robin said to him.

"They'll crawl back to their hole like they always do. I'm sure the brains already working on a new plan." Negative man said.

"And we'll be waiting." Mento said. "But next time, we won't be alone." he said looking at us.

"Count on it." Cy answered.

"We're all so proud of you Garfield. Take care." the girl who grows huge, Rita, I think I heard Beastboy call her once say.

The Doom Patrol then left. "Garfield?" I asked Beastboy.

"Oh.. I'm gonna get a lot of milage out of this one." Raven said. I looked to see both her and Cy were smirking.

"Hey, Robin." I said tapping his shoulder.

"Yeah?" he asked me.

"What's your real name again?" I asked him softly so no one could hear.

"I'll tell you another day." he said and turned and walked away.


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