Chapter 1 - Bird Set Free

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Day 5 - August 15th 2025

As I hauled the last load up the stairs, I noticed Mya sat on the top of the box. Mya was my old teddy, a pink bunny that was my most treasured possession. You see, when my parents were going through their divorce, Mya was like my best friend. My third arm, if you will. She allowed me to cope and smile, she made me happy through some of my darkest hours.

I entered what would be my new living room, which was full to the brim with boxes. As I placed this last box down and stared at Mya, a wave of nostalgia came crashing down on me. All my childhood memories came flooding back.

This was it. The place I could finally call my own. It may only be a small apartment on the outskirts of town but to me, it's home. My journey to independence begins here. Now.

"Hello?" I heard the familiar voice call from the hallway.

"Oh, hi mom, in here!" I called back. To which she entered the living room.

The divorce had not been good to my mom; thin whispers of grey ran through her short, blonde hair. Deep wrinkles had creased her once perfect face and years of sleepless nights had led to heavy bags under her hazel eyes. Her appearance said mid-fifties but the reality was early forties; despite all this, she was my mom - and I loved her.

"I came to see if you needed any help with anything?" She said sweetly.

"You can help me design the new pad!" I exclaimed with excitement and indignation. I picked up a photo frame and placed it to the wall. "What do you think of this, going here?" I asked, straightening the frame.

There was no answer.

I turned to see my mom sat on my brand new couch, almost lost in thought, she was holding Mya the bunny and tears were beginning to gather in her eyes.

"Mom?!" I asked in a panicked tone - I hated seeing her upset.

"Ohh, I'm just being silly." she said. "It's just... My little girl, my only child, she's growing up.. And leaving me all alone." She sighed.

"Mom, I'm only a few blocks away, you can visit anytime, you won't be alone." I replied with sympathetic sincerity.

She looked defeated.

"It's not the point Montana, you're seventeen, are you sure you want to do this? It's not too late to change your mind you know."

"I thought you were happy for me?"

"I am... It's just..."

"Mom, if I don't do this now, I never will." I interrupted.

"I wish you would stop talking like that Montana! I mean, just look at technology today, it's ridiculous! They can tell you exactly when you're going to die but they still haven't found a cure for cancer! They could be wrong, the doctors I mean. This can't be the end!" She shrieked.

Her voice had become more and more frustrated and shrill, her words had tumbled out in a passionate frenzy. Ever since I was told I was going to die, she's been much more unpredictable. I still don't think she quite believes that I'm nearing the end. I've never seen her have this much anger; it's like she thinks this is her punishment for the things she's done. I mean, cancer survival rates are up to a record 78%, so I guess, maybe I have drawn the short straw.

"Mom, the doctors aren't wrong! Not this time." Tears had began to swell up in my eyes and I was becoming emotional about the situation for the first time. At this point my mom had grabbed me in a tight hug. Her fingers stroked my long, wavy, light-pink hair, as I wept on to her shoulder.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.

My life was getting shorter by the minute.


Like putting in the last piece of a jigsaw, I placed the last photo on the wall.

Perfection. My job was done.

By this time, my mom had fallen asleep on the couch, I placed the duvet over her and thought about everything she had sacrificed. If one thing did come of this terrible disease, it was that now, I appreciated everyone and everything around me. I was truly grateful for her presence.

A box of miscellaneous things lay in the corner, as I had no room for them, I thought it was best to throw them out in the large trash can at the back of the complex. I opened the back door to the complex and headed for the bins.


"Shit!" I cursed at myself, I've always been clumsy but this was a new - a very embarrassing low. I had walked straight into someone and the box, along with its contents scattered on the concrete below. As I picked up my things, I finally caught a good look of the person I'd collided with.

His hair was a soft, teddy brown, brushed into an immaculate quiff, his vivid, emerald eyes could have lit up the darkest alley. His jaw-line looked like it had been chiselled from stone... by angels. A few freckles dotted his nose, every inch of his face seemed like it had been carved from gold. His tanned skin glowed in the brilliant sunshine.

To say I was mesmerised would be an understatement. I hadn't even realised how heavy I had been breathing.

By this time he had picked up all my items and placed them back in the box. I hadn't even helped! He must of thought I was rude as hell. He placed the box in my arms and I couldn't help but notice his perfect, athletic body and big arms under his white t-shirt.

What was happening to me?! This wasn't me. I'd never even had a boyfriend.

"I'm sorry about that Darlin'." He said with a wink. Even his voice was angelic. Deep yet perfect. And with that, he had disappeared into the complex and I just stood there flustered and dumbfounded.

I think I'm gunna like it here after all.

Unedited - needs improvements and mistakes possible.

Author's notes.
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment any suggestions you may have - I'd love to hear them.
Next update coming Thursday. I hope you enjoy!
Skylar xo
Question of the chapter: Is this too long? I want to get to the drama, I don't want to rush the story but at the same time I don't want to drag it to out. What are your thoughts?

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