Chapter 8 - It's Not A Date

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Day 22 September 6th 2025

Montana's P.O.V.

I gently but quickly brushed my hair, untangling my pink, enchanted locks before the mirror. Just a few days earlier, I had finally answered the door to Riley and agreed to a date.

I mean a hang out.

It's not a date.

Anyway, tonight was the night - and I must admit I was feeling anxious. I glanced down at my watch. 7:23pm. There was just seven minutes until Riley would be knocking at my door. He could only come late due to work but I didn't mind. In fact, I preferred it. As, I hastily applied a light coat of makeup, small raindrops hit the bathroom window, rhythmically matching my heartbeat.

I opened the bathroom door and looked nervously at my mom in the hallway, whilst awaiting her approval. Glancing at my outfit (a white blouse, pink skirt and heels, topped off with a black, leather jacket) my mother smiled approvingly.

"You look beautiful." She said admiringly.

I looked down at my outfit - unsure.

"Thanks." I replied.

Suddenly, there was a sharp knock of the door.

"One minute!" I shouted through the door.

I breathed in a large amount of oxygen, before blowing it out slowly. I desperately tried to calm my nerves. My mother smiled at me.

"Good luck. I'll be here when you get back. If that's okay?" She questioned.

"Of course it is." I replied, hugging her tightly. I went to approach the door when I was hit with a brainwave.

"Mom? Can I have the keys to the-"

My mom smiled.

"Fine." She sighed. "Just make sure you lock up." She said, handing me the keys. I quickly thanked her and opened the apartment door.


I closed the door behind me and stood directly in front of Riley, who was looking as gorgeous as ever. He wore a formal shirt and jeans and smiled as he saw me coming through the door. It was the smile that I had missed so much. The smile that could have lit up the darkest graveyard.

Riley's P.O.V.

I had been standing outside Montana's apartment for about a minute, before she finally opened the door.

When I laid my eyes on her again, I was hit by a tsunami of awe. Her eyes glistened like morning dew, her pink locks fell perfectly around her face and her smile gave me goosebumps.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hi.' I laughed.


Montana turned up the radio dial and I couldn't help but chuckle at her air drums - solo. I was glad she felt comfortable around me. I tried to avert my eyes from her hysterical drumming and keep my eyes fixed on the road, when I felt her gazing intently at me.

"What?" I asked smiling.

"I just realised. I don't actually know that much about you." She said.

"That's because I'm an enigma." I winked.

She chuckled. "No, I'm serious. Like I don't even know how old you are! Ooh and what's your last name?" She chirped. I felt her gaze burning into the side of my head eagerly.

"I'm 21 and my last name is Hunters." I replied.

"Ooh like you're the hunter and I'm the hunted." She said teasingly.

"Oh and I'm 19 by the-" I arched an eyebrow and she stopped herself, realising I already knew and we both laughed.

"So are you going tell me where I'm going for this date?" I asked.

"I mean hang out. It's not a date."

"Of course not." She agreed.

"And just keep following the satnav, we're almost there!" She smiled happily.

I made a final turn into a parking lot and that's when I seen where she had taken me.

Winters' Ice Cream Parlour.

"But it's closed." I said confused.

She pulled out a set of keys from her pocket and jingled them happily.

"Wait. Do you and your mom work here?" I asked in amazement.

"It's better than that. We own it!" She smiled.

Unedited - needs improvements and mistakes possible.

Author's notes
I'm so sorry this is really late. I'm about to start college and I've been quite stressed recently. I hope you all will bare with me. I promise to update at least once a week and I'll try to update more than that. Thanks for sticking with me! Your support means a lot! Don't forget to vote and comment suggestions!
Skylar xo
Question of the chapter: Are y'all ready for the cute stuff?

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