Chapter 9 - I Scream, You Scream

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Day 22 September 6th 2025 (Part 2)

Riley's P.O.V.

As the door to the ice cream parlour closed behind us, I was hit with a blanket of warmth and homeliness. We had evaded the cold, September air and euphoria ran through me. Montana turned on the lights, locked the door from the inside and smiled. We had the whole place to ourselves.

And what a place it was.

The interior of the parlour screamed 1950s and I instantly fell in love. Light blue and white coated the walls, making me feel calm and serene. Pictures of Hollywood legends such as Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe, laced the walls proudly. Several booths sat around the edges of the room, their metallic silvers gleamed brightly and their deep reds contrasted with the whole place beautifully.

Montana had gone behind the counter. She picked up a crisp, white apron from the hook and put it on, ecstasy in her face. I could tell she was amused by my awe-stricken expression.

"Hello sir!" She exclaimed. "What can I get you?" She said, smilingly sweetly.

I almost ran to the glass counter at her words. I stared through the glass, glee etched on to my face. My mind boggled at the array of ice cream flavours. It had everything. From the usual flavours like vanilla, chocolate and strawberry; to the more unconventional like Bueno, Oreo and Lime. It was like I had died and gone to heaven. I felt like a kid in a sweet shop.

Or a twenty one year old in an ice cream parlour.

"I'll have bubblegum please." I said enthusiastically.

"Good choice." She smiled, before getting two bowls and filling them with a generous amount of bubblegum ice cream. I took the bowls over to a booth in the corner whilst she took off her apron and then followed. She placed down two spoons and took a seat opposite me.

"Bon appétit." She smiled.


I was wolfing down my second bowl of ice cream when I noticed Montana play with her spoon and staring into space, with her head in her hand. I could tell something was bothering her.

"What's wrong?"

She pursed her lips in thought.

"I just don't know how to start conversation." She smiled. "I don't know what you know and what you don't. I mean, you knew my age and last name but not that I worked here." She continued.

"I just know the facts about you." I replied. "The simple stuff like age.... and other than that it's just a few memories. The ones that you remember the most, the ones that mean things to you."

She nodded understandingly. A few seconds of silence passed before she sighed, put down her spoon and looked me in the eyes.

"Why me?" She asked.


"You've seen what I've done. You know I have demons... So why me?" She ranted suddenly.

"Because I understand." I stated simply. "I have demons too." I told her truthfully.

She arched an eyebrow and her face was full of intrigue. I didn't really like talking about my past but there was a look in her eye that was egging me to confide in her.

"My mom died after she gave birth to me." I started, trying to speak as emotionless as possible.

Montana gasped. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, I never really knew my parents anyway..... My dad. I think he blamed me. People tell me he was never the same after that. He became depressed and didn't want me. I grew up in foster homes." I stated, whilst being haunted by the memories of the countless homes. Montana was looking at me dumbfounded.

"I chose you because we're not that different you and I. I know what it's like to hurt." I told her honestly. "There were people in those homes that weren't very nice people Montana. I grew up around drugs and gangs." I told her as monotone as I could muster. She had stared at me the whole time, a look of sympathy beyond comprehension, written on her face.

"But in a way I guess you could say it was blessing in disguise." I said, forcing a smile.

"How so?" Montana frowned.

"Growing up in those homes made me love science." I stated passionately.

"I hated the people in those homes and I hated my dad for abandoning me. At the time, I thought all humans were bad people .... And so, I would spend hours staring at the stars and space, just hoping and praying that I could get away. I spent days stuck in science magazines, reading about things I never thought possible. It taught me so much more than any teacher ever could. It was like a fantasy, where anything really was possible. An escape almost. Some people might use drugs or food or alcohol. I used science." I said in a frenzy of indignation.

"And if it wasn't for science, I never would of met you." I concluded.

Montana had tears in her eyes, she smiled widely and put her hand on top of mine.

"That's really admirable Riley Hunters." She said.

"Why, thank you Montana Winters." I smiled.

She looked down for a few moments, clearly upset.

"Riley, what happened to you was not your fault. Everything I've done has been brought upon myself." She said sadly.

"Just because people do bad things, it doesn't make them a bad person." I replied.

"You sound just like my mom." She laughed. It was followed by moments of beautiful serenity.

"But I'm damaged Riley... I'm broken." She sighed.

I held onto both of her hands, that were visibly shaking on the table.

"Then consider me your handyman." I smiled.

Unedited - needs improvements and mistakes possible.

Author's notes
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment suggestions and vote! I hope you're enjoying the story so far.
Update coming ASAP!
Skylar xo
Question of the chapter: are you liking Riley more, now you know a bit of his back story?

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