Chapter 2 - Hurray For Cliché

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Day 9 - August 24th 2025

I eyed the sink, spanner in hand, resentment running through my core. No water had been running since this morning. Just my luck. I had no idea what I would even do with the spanner, this whole independence thing was definitely not working in my favour. Nevertheless, I continued on and opened the cupboard doors, under the sink.

Just at that moment, there was a harsh knock at the the door. Well that's just perfect, I thought to myself, as I paced towards the door. When I peered eagerly through the peephole, my heart rate sky rocketed to gargantuan levels.

Oh. My. Freaking. God. He was instantly recognisable. The guy that I had bumped into on my first day here was stood at my door. 6 foot, skinny-jeaned and drop dead gorgeous, his face was one I definitely wouldn't be forgetting any time soon. I squirmed with horror when I suddenly realised; I still had my Disney pyjamas on! But there was no time to change now. I quickly brushed my hair with my fingers and opened the door.

There he was. His every feature looked as if it had been sculpted intricately, with a fine tooth pick. He was a gift. A gift, that for some reason, looked quite hesitant.

"I hate to be one of those 'pain in the ass neighbours'" he began with a voice half husky, yet half shy. Hm, I didn't have him down for the shy type I thought.

"But is there anyway I could borrow some milk?" He continued.

I couldn't understand why I got so flustered, I tried to speak, to have some form of conversation but instead I just nodded my head vigorously and proceeded to get the milk.

Come on Montana, where's your balls gone? Where's the attitude and confidence you so definitely have.

"You can come in, you know." I shouted through the door sweetly, whilst trying to keep composure. I heard his footsteps enter the hall and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

That's 1-0 to Montana.

I poured a generous amount of milk into a cup before facing the man stood in my hallway. His hands were placed in his pockets and I now think I understand the phrase "like a deer in headlights". He looked lost. It was awfully cute.

Whoa Montana this isn't you, you've never even had a boyfriend. You're waiting until college remember? I thought to myself before handing him the cup.

"Thanks!" He said with a smile. "Oh, and it's Riley by the way".

Riley huh?

"Montana." I retaliated

"Pleasure." He replied with a handshake.

"Do you need help with that?" Riley asked, looking at the spanner and the open cupboards under the sink.

"Oh, well yes please, if you wouldn't mind."

Within seconds he was under the sink and rooting with the pipes. And wouldn't you know, minutes later I seemed to hear a click, followed by a sort of soft swishing sound, as the sink appeared to be repaired.

He's hot and he can he fix my sink. What more does a girl need?

"Just to test." Riley muttered to himself before turning the knob to the cold water.

An explosion of wet spray erupted from some space in the tap, covering Riley like a tidal wave. He just managed to push down on the tap and close the gap before any real damage was done. Well, unless you count the fact Riley was dripping wet, from head to toe.

At this point, I was barely able to breathe through snorts of laughter, to which Riley joined in. At least he was able to laugh at himself I thought.

Suddenly, Riley (still laughing) took off his t-shirt in the most casual way imaginable, leaving his body exposed. Now, I'm not going to say the cliché 'his body was that of a Greek God' but at the same time, it wasn't bad to look at either, there was a sharp V-line and some abs were beginning to be defined. I felt myself going a dark shade of ruby, my insides groaned, and my legs felt weak. Pull it together Montana.

Riley placed the wet shirt into the back of his jeans, "I best be off, thanks for the milk Montana."

"No problem." I replied trying to avert my eyes from his body.

I followed him towards the door. "Oh, and nice pyjamas by the way!" He chuckled.

And with that, he left.


"I mean seriously, it's like Aragog and his family have moved into my bathroom." I wasn't sure if she would get the Harry Potter reference; but I mean a gold star if she did.

"Don't tell me you're still scared of spiders?" Demi retorted, making dramatic gestures with her perfectly manicured hands. A gold star it is.

Demi was a goddess, her hair was always immaculate and she had the fashion knowledge of Vivienne Westwood herself.

I had been looking forward to tonight ever since I moved into the apartment. Finally, a real sense of independence and not to mention it had been way too long since me and Demi had hung out. I couldn't  believe I hadn't seen my best friend in weeks. But now we were reunited and sniggering away. Carpe diem indeed.

Like phoenixes, rising from the ashes, we were back!   I still couldn't quite believe she had got us into the best club in town, especially with those fake ID's.

"I know what we haven't done in a while." Demi said, gulping down another shot. As the alcohol coursed my bloodstream, I looked at her knowing exactly what she was suggesting.

"Don't you think we're a little old for truth or dare?" I asked.

"Oh come on, live life like you haven't got long left." She responded simply.

If only she knew how ironic that was.

Oh yeah, I still hadn't told her.

"Fine." I said reluctantly, painfully remembering the time I put cinnamon up my nose for a dare, the memory had haunted me ever since.

Demi went first, choosing truth. I found out she had a major crush on a boy in her chemistry class but it wasn't exactly big news, he's all she ever talked about.

"Okay. Now you, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" I replied, trying to live life on the edge.

"Okay... you have to hook up with the next guy that walks in here!" She said proudly.

"Oh God. Really?" I responded somehow knowing her dare would involve something sexual. "But fine", live a little Montana even if the dare is a little cliché.

I regretted saying the word 'fine' almost immediately because what happened next reached an 11/10 on the cliché-ometer.

Yup, just like clockwork, in walks Riley.

Unedited - needs improvements and mistakes possible.

Author's notes.
Thanks so much for reading! Don't forget to comment, vote and share with friends. Again, I'm just trying to introduce the plot and the characters, I'll get some juicy drama real soon!
Next update coming Thursday.
Skylar xo
Question of the chapter: I'm aware this is really cliché but sometimes a little cliché is cute right?? Let me know your thoughts.

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