Chapter 4 - The Truth

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(Thanks so much to KeSpiration for the beautiful artwork!)

Day 10 August 25th 2025

"Riley! Riley, wait up! I think you need to wait for an ambulance!"

I couldn't believe it. Riley was hurtling home at an impossible speed. He had literally gotten up and sauntered off through the crowd that had gathered, leaving us all flabbergasted. We were in the early hours of the morning, the blood dotted on Riley's face, shone in the moonlight.

Was he God or something?

He's just been hit by a freaking car and now, he's walking home with a few bumps and cuts, almost like nothing had happened.

As I ran after him, a part of me was worried for him, a part of me was scared of him but a part of me somehow longed for him. I had to jog to keep up with his gargantuan, Usain Bolt -strides.

"Riley?! Riley just stop?!" I bellowed.

He turned on his heel and the sudden movement almost made me collide with him. He grabbed my wrists.

"Stop fussing Montana, I'm fine! You still haven't said thanks by the way!"

"Thanks." I said quickly and sincerely "But why di-"

He looked around nervously.

"Not here." He said. "I'll explain everything inside."

I hadn't even noticed we had arrived outside the apartment complex; the sight almost made me gasp. It was official, Riley had to be a gold medal winning, fast walker.

"Are you coming or not" Riley shouted from the main door. Damn. I had to stop zoning out.


"Sit." Riley demanded.

I really wanted to argue but if I did, I knew he might not tell me what I needed to know. I seated myself on his black, leather couch, my eyes wandering around his living room. The walls were scattered with what looked like hand-painted images. The one that caught my eye was fiery and incredible, it demanded attention. It was a phoenix, vivid and beautiful; signed 'Riley' in the bottom, left corner.

Okay, seriously Montana stop getting off track. "Explain." I eyed Riley rather savagely.

He sighed and paced the room.

"She's going to think I'm crazy." he mumbled to himself. "But please let me finish before you interrupt?" I nodded. "Okay... Okay. Here goes nothing." He sighed. "The reason I saved you back there is because... I'm your guardian angel." He said hesitatingly, before clocking on to my frowning expression. "Not like that. I mean, I don't have wings and I certainly wasn't sent by God - it's simply a job description."

"I work for a science laboratory." He continued. "We've been collecting data from the hospital, of all the cancer patients in the area" he eyed me sympathetically. "The head scientist seems to think that happy patients are more likely to beat cancer, he thinks it makes them stronger, it's all to do with psychology. And so, to put this to the test, he hired people like me to sort of look after people like you. Hence me getting this apartment." He concluded.

My brain had soaked this information up like a sponge and was about to explode with confusing thoughts. I didn't have Riley down as a scientist but I think I understood what Riley was saying. There was just one thing that was bugging me.

"Hired? So you're only talking to me because you get paid for it?"

"No! Of course not! Because then we found out... That you know, you're.... incurable. But I still wanted to meet you!" He said almost horrified at himself.

"But why?! You don't even know me?!"

He sighed. "Okay, but this part is top secret. I shouldn't be telling you this but at the lab... they've invented new technology that can see someone's memories."

I scoffed. How gullible did he think I was?

"I'm serious!" He insisted "it's 2020, technology has advanced so much! Due to you having a brain tumour, the hospital took a 3D picture of your brain, it's been compulsory since 2019. At the lab, we were able to use this, along with your blood from your blood test. I was able to see your memories with this new headset, it's almost like virtual reality but with DNA and I guess I just connected with you!"

Okay. Mind = blown. Firstly, why would the hospital be giving away my blood? And secondly, why would MY memories make anyone connect with me. I stood up and headed for the door.

"If you can't tell me the truth, I'm leaving." I snapped.

"I am! I swear! I KNOW ABOUT MYA!" He bellowed, in a last ditch attempt, whilst I was heading towards the door. The words made me freeze.

"Your pink bunny you used to have tea parties with? Yeah, I know about that. I know about your parents divorce, mine divorced too and I know how it tears you apart. I also, know about the bullying at your old school. I was bullied too and badly I just want to look after you, no funny business, I swear."

Oh. My god. He was telling the truth. My stomach did somersaults.

"But why doesn't everyone know about this? We have to let the world know, this could change the way we date, we could find criminals by reading their memories! This is amazing! We can -"

"Montana stop! We can't tell anyone. We'd both get seriously hurt. If this gets out, it gets total government control and the company loses money!"

"Money!? Are you serious? That's what this is about?! I don't care, I have to let people know."

Riley suddenly gripped my wrist tightly.

"I can't let you do that! And who would believe you anyway?"

I got my arm loose from his grip.

"I can be very persuasive" I retaliated.

"Montana, you're forgetting I know your memories. All of them" he added in a sinister tone. "I don't want to hurt you, but if you do this, I'll go to the police and tell them what you did last Christmas!"

My hand froze on his door handle. Terror shook through me.

"And you and your mum will go down for a very long time" Riley concluded.

Unedited - needs improvements and mistakes possible.

Author's notes
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment! I've loved reading your comments so far and I really appreciate them. It's come to my attention some people thought the plot was rushed. I apologise for that, as I'm just trying to introduce the story before you get to really know the characters. Once I finish the story, I'm going to edit it dramatically.

Also, people were confused as to why she doesn't seem so upset and why what type of cancer she has hasn't been mentioned. I'm coming to that in upcoming chapters as I explore her emotional decline. If you have any more suggestions, questions or advice, pm me. I'd love to improve my writing. Also, if I said I will read your story, I will get to you, I've just been really busy! I love you all!
Skylar xo
Question of the chapter: what do you think Montana and her mom did last Christmas?

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