Chapter 10 - Life's A Beach

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Day 43 September 27th 2025

Montana's P.O.V.

The turquoise waters whipped back like an elastic band, before returning and gently crashing on to the wet sand. The repetitive motion and sound became almost hypnotic, as we strolled along the beach. As the day became night, the wind surged around us furiously, chilling my cheeks and hands to icy temperatures. It perhaps wasn't our best idea to visit the beach late September.

It had been exactly three weeks since mine and Riley's ice cream escapade and for once, I felt genuinely content with how my life was going. Ever since that night, Riley and I had became almost inseparable. We'd hang out at the parlour, go to the movies or even go shopping - he had even met my mom. And as toe-curlingly awkward as it sounds, there was something about Riley Hunters that made me feel on top of the world.

The waves were slowly edging ever so slightly towards our bare feet as a cold chill roamed the air.

As I watched forward into the distance, Demi's hair fluttered wildly behind her. She clung onto the hand of her new love interest, Matt. Her face was smitten with love and  enthusiasm, as Riley and I trailed slowly behind. Demi had been beyond thrilled, when she discovered that I had finally met a boy. I remembered the look of total euphoria, mixed with flabbergast, that had completely consumed her face and chuckled internally. Suddenly, Riley broke from his daydream and I felt my stomach lurch as he watched me. His eyes glistened at me as he smiled, my heart palpated and a realisation hit me like a tonne of bricks.

I'm in love with Riley Hunters.

The shock of this thought left me bewildered. I didn't even know what love was.  I hadn't felt love before. However, I hadn't felt like this before. Every time Riley even looked at me, my stomach had butterflies, the mention of his name would give me the most ridiculous smile and I couldn't bare to be away from him. When I was next to him, I felt no pain, no anger, no envy.

Just love. 

How hadn't I seen it before?

Just at this moment, Riley's fingers accidentally brushed against mine, sending tingles right up my arm and through to my spine. I craved his touch. I prayed it would happen again. I longed for him, it had become almost an obsession.

"I'm sorry." He said.

Why? Why were you sorry?

"It's okay." I answered, annoyance running through me. Why did he do this? I asked myself. Anytime we'd get close, he'd apologise. Why?

Did he not feel the same as me?

What if, this whole time Riley just looked at me as a little sister or something? What if he viewed us as just friends? What if I'm just someone to pass the time with and these nights meant nothing?

What if I've got this horribly, horribly wrong?

My heart punctured at the thought.

"Riley. I need to tell you something." I said with all the confidence I could muster.

"Okay?" He frowned and smiled simultaneously.

I stopped dead in my tracks, a motion he then reciprocated. He clocked my anxious expression and suddenly became more wary.

"You're scaring me." He said. "What is it?"

"Err I - I" I stammered, when all of a sudden a sharp pain shot through my head.

A few days ago I stopped taking my medication. I knew how it sounded; it wasn't like that. I hadn't given up or anything. It was just that, it made me sick. Literally sick. To the point where the bile would burn my throat. Of course, I hadn't told anyone.

I mean, could you imagine my mom's reaction?

Considering the fate that lay ahead of me , I honestly didn't see the point in the medication. As far as I was concerned, I'd rather have a few headaches than be vomiting all the time.

However, this headache was different. It was agonising.

"I just wanted to say that... I lov-" I mumbled weakly. I couldn't finish that sentence. The breath was knocked out of me, my vision blurred and the pain in my head was insufferable, beyond comprehension.

My eyes rolled back and darkness consumed.

Edited - if you see any mistakes, let me know.

Author's notes
Finally back on track with the story! I'll update as much as I possibly can. I have lots of new ideas and hope you'll stick with it! Please don't forget to vote and comment, it means so much.
Thanks for reading!
Skylar xo
Question of the chapter: do you think Riley loves Montana like she loves him?

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