Chapter 7 - Friend Or Foe?

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Day 17 - September 1st 2025

Riley's P.O.V.

"It could never hurt me in the way that you have."

The words were engraved, deep into my mind and the more I thought about them; the more it stung. It was like a knife had been piercing my stomach over and over and over again.

It had been another hard day at work. By now, night had broken out and the sky's stars shone enthusiastically through the store window.

I paid for the bouquet of flowers and sulkily left the store. It had been exactly a week since mine and Montana's little standoff and each day after work, I would buy her a bouquet of flowers and leave them outside her apartment door. I would write little notes to tell her how sorry I was, or to let her know how stupid I felt.

Still, I heard nothing from her.

I knew the key to any girl's heart was gifts and persistence.

I turned off the radio in my car; wanting to be alone with my thoughts. I wasn't quite sure what it was about Montana that attracted me towards her. I had only known her a few weeks yet somehow, it felt like a lifetime. I didn't know if it was the way she smiled,  the way her eyes glistened, or if it was the way she turned a deep shade of ruby when embarrassed. All I knew, was that there was definitely something about Montana Winters worth fighting for.

I parked in my usual space outside the complex, turned my key in the ignition and the car's engine slowly died. I picked up the bouquet of flowers and entered the complex, before ascending the first flight of stairs.

Sighing heavily, I stood outside Montana's apartment for the seventh time this week. Carefully, I placed the bouquet of flowers down outside her door, when suddenly a bolt of courage seemed to surge through me. It was no good just leaving notes and flowers, I thought. I had to see her. My palms began to sweat and my hands began to tremble, as I stared at the number 12 on her door. Begrudgingly, I gave the door a hard, sharp knock.

Montana's P.O.V.

Startled by the harsh knock of the door, I frowned towards my mom, who was sat on the couch next to me, visiting.

"It's 9pm." She said. "Who would that be?"

I shrugged and she quickly got up and went towards the door. I slowly and tiredly followed and lingered in the hallway.

She opened the door curiously and I heard the unmistakable voice of Riley.

"Oh hi. Is Montana there?" I heard him ask my mom.

My mom glanced over her shoulder at me confused. I shook my head vigorously and mouthed the word 'no' to her. My mom quickly averted her eyes from me and looked back at Riley.

"I'm sorry. She's gone to bed." She replied.

"Oh. Okay." He said, disappointment evident in his tone. "Well, can you give these to her?" He asked, handing her a bouquet of flowers.

"Of course." My mother smiled, before closing the door. She turned towards me and her grin widened as she looked at me suggestively.

"No! It's not like that mom! He's just trying to apologise for what he did." I protested.

"What did he do? Steal your gel pens?!" She asked.

I looked at her annoyed.

"Well whatever it is, clearly he's sorry." She said pointing at the other bouquets in the kitchen, her smirk widening once again. "Montana, you only live once. Why don't you just speak to him?" She asked.

That wasn't what I was expecting.  I mean, seriously? Why is she not on my side?!

"You don't understand." I told her simply.

"I understand that people do or say things in the heat of the moment." She replied back. The pained look on her face said she was remembering the events of last Christmas.

"Just because people do bad things, it doesn't mean they're bad people Montana. I know that better than anyone." She continued.


"All I'm saying, is you give him a shot." She concluded.

Why was it parents could persuade us to do anything?

"Fine." I sighed.

"I'll give him a chance."

Unedited - needs improvements and mistakes possible.

Author's notes
Looks like Montana and Riley might be a thing after all! We definitely need a ship name though. What about Miley? Anyways, thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!
Update coming Monday. Peace out!
Skylar xo
Question of the chapter: is Riley back in your good books?

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