Chapter 3 - From The Ashes

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Day 9 - August 24th 2025 (Part 2)

I felt Demi's manicured nails digging into my back, urging me to approach Riley.

"Okay, fine! I'm going! Just stop with the nails" I pleaded with her.

Okay Montana, here goes nothing. Riley had seated himself at the bar, along with another man who he kept referring to as 'bro'. Ew, that's such a guy thing, I thought to myself as I approached the bar bravely. Riley still hadn't noticed I was on the attack.

Well... That was until my heel snapped and I fell straight into him!


"Oh my god I -I'm so sorry I -" I tried, claambering to my feet.

"I get the feeling you're stalking me, Montana!" Riley teased with a smirk.

I blushed slightly.

Just at this moment, Demi appeared wearing a sickly-sweet smile. She turned towards the guy who was sat next to Riley.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink!?" She asked him. She spoke with a false interest. Now, of course I could see what Demi's intentions really were, after all this time, I could read her like a book. She was trying to get me and Riley alone. Standard.

It took a few seconds to register but the guys eyebrows suddenly unfurrowed and his electric, blue eyes lit up. The penny had dropped.

"Um sure." He replied, before disappearing into the crowd, along with Demi.

I slowly seated myself where the guy had been. Directly next to Riley. I bought myself a cosmopolitan using the fake ID and awaited conversation.

None came. The silent aurora was killing me.

I so needed to up my game.

Riley suddenly opened his mouth to speak, before swiftly closing it again. He seemed nervous, almost intimidated. It was kinda cute.

"If you were an animal, what would you be?" He asked with total seriousness.

The randomness of the question almost made me sputter out my drink.

"Seriously?" I questioned. "That's your idea of small talk?!"

He laughed at this. "What's a guy supposed to do in the presence of beautiful girl? Even if she was dared to approach me?" He said, a smile pursing his lips.

Beautiful?! BEAUTIFUL?!


I tried to maintain composure. "How did you know -"

"Oh come on Montana, two girls in a nightclub, one randomly approaches me, I'm not that naive!" He said. I giggled slightly.

There was a few moments of silence before I spoke again.

"You know... I think I'd be a pheonix. I've always had an obsession with them. I know they might not be real but they're strong, they go through hell and then they're reborn. Out of the ashes. They get stronger after a fall and that's exactly what I seem to do." I said with admiration.

I wasn't entirely sure where that came from. I half expected Riley to laugh but he was staring at me intently the entire time.

"It's almost as if you stole the words from out of my mouth." He said, a look of flabbergast on his face. He smiled in a moment of silence. "We make a right pair, Montana Winters." He said with a chuckle.

I returned the chuckle.

Until something suddenly hit me.

"How did you know my last name?' I asked bluntly. Panic suddenly rushing through my veins.

"You told me. Back at house remember?' He said simply. No I definitely did not.

A wave of worry shook me to the core. My spine seemed to feel an icy chill.

"Errm. I'm gunna go now." I said before swiftly getting up and heading for the door. What if he had been stalking me? How did he know my last name!?

"Montana! Wait!"

I swung the door open and marched across the car park. This was just too weird. I turned to see Riley had also left the nightclub and was on my trail.

My pulse raced. I sped up and began to run, with Riley right at my collar. I tried to look behind me whilst still running as fast as I possibly could.


The car lights blinded me, I froze in terror before being pushed out of the way, yards from the car. 


I lay on the floor, adrenaline coursed my veins. I turned to see the stomach churning sight.

Riley had been hit and lay still on the ground.

A short haired woman exited the car, in a state of hysteria. She ran towards Riley's aid, who's eyes were fluttering as he came in and out of consciousness.

My brain hurt as I tried to comprehend what just happened.

-how did he know my last name?
-why did he just get ran over for me?

When he wakes up, he's got a lot of explaining to do.

Unedited - needs improvements and mistakes possible.

Author's notes
And the plot thickens! I might be steering right off course but I've had a brainwave! I hope you will all like the new revelations. Sorry this chapter was somewhat late and I'm sorry it's somewhat short. Don't forget to vote and comment. Please stick with it! The best is yet to come! Update coming Thursday!
Skylar xo
Question of the chapter: so, what do you think Riley is hiding?

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