Time Will Tell part 9

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Eager to move into her cabin on Twin Oaks, Libby woke early the next morning. She stretched the kinks out of her muscles. Without the bindings and able to breathe easier, she jumped out of bed and took an extra-long, hot shower. It felt wonderful, she thought, drying off. With the light on, she added mentally, flipping the switch after brushing her teeth. She glanced at the toilet and moved to flush it one more time, just because she could.

In the kitchen, she lovingly touched the coffeepot before filling it with water. Inhaling the aroma of freshly ground Italian roast, she smiled. The smile stayed glued to her face as she watched the strong liquid brew. Once done, she poured a quick cup and sat at the table to read the newspaper.

Her cell phone rang. Dave’s picture flashed on her caller ID. Unease gripped her. She had no idea how to react.

Libby pushed the on button, deciding to go for normal. “Hey, Dave. What’s up?”

“Hi, Libby. Have you got a minute? I wanted to catch you before you left and was worried you wouldn’t keep your cell on.”

“Yeah, I have a few minutes to spare.” She cleared her throat and studied her fingernail. Was that a speck of mud from her worm hunt? Shivering at the thought, she dropped her hand and focused on Dave. “Have you thought about what I said?”

“How could I think about anything else, considering the bombshell you dropped on me yesterday. I do want us to work. I want to see your side of things, but I still can’t help thinking you’re making a mistake.”

“I know,” she said on another sigh. “You’ve been quite clear. But it’s my life and my mistakes to make. To be honest, that’s only part of it. Did you think about the rest?”

“Yes. We need to talk. I rescheduled my appointments this afternoon. If you still need help moving, I’m offering my services.”

Libby sat silent for a minute, too astonished to speak. Dave had never rearranged his schedule for her before. She smiled, suddenly feeling lighthearted and wishing she’d made a stand earlier. “I’d love the help.”

“I can be at your apartment around two. Is that too late?”

“No, I’ll make sure I’m here.”

“Great. I’ll see you then. ’Bye.”

Libby disconnected and eyed the phone, not sure if things were changing or if he was manipulating her as he’d done in the past. “Time will tell,” she murmured, remembering Berta’s comment, which in turn made her think of the Gundersons.

A smile broke free. From her perspective, Berta and Gus had a strong marriage. Libby had noted the love and commitment between the two. Each had a definite role and both were happy fulfilling those roles. I mean to have that type of relationship with Dave. Or she wanted nothing at all. She understood that now.

The trees had granted her wish by sending her back to witness something that had been lacking in her life since her mom’s death. The more she thought about it, the more convinced she became while hurrying to finish her coffee. Minutes later, she grabbed her jacket and was soon out the door.

Her first item on the list was a trip to her apartment complex’s rental office to give her thirty days’ notice. With the task out of the way and a promise to get her deposit back if she left the apartment clean, she packed, but only loaded a few boxes into her car. She would utilize Dave’s help later in the day with the majority and to clean the place.

Two hours later, she sped up along the treelined drive as she neared the trees. Silly or not, she hadn’t realized how much the two large oaks bothered her until she passed them and nothing happened. She half expected them to hurl her back in time again.

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