Chapter 71

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 Copyright © ScribblerMia, 2012

December passed by. A new year has arrived. Time really runs fast.


Sometimes, love doesn’t lead to a happy-ending-story. Sometimes, you end up being all alone.


They say that everything has an end, and nothing lasts forever. They say everything has its limits. They say time heals all wounds. They may be right, but they may also be wrong. There will always be this scar that stays forever, and you can’t do anything about it but to go on with your life having it.


Sometimes, it is hard to pretend that I am okay when everything inside me tells the other way around. He is the only person who holds my happiness, the only person who completes me, the one I want to build a life with, and the only man that has the power to capture my heart. But sometimes, fate is really cruel. I do know that in the game of love, I cannot stay a winner forever. There will always be instances that I have to lose. And right now, I have lost my battle. By this time, tears are the only company to my loss.


For some reasons, I have to sacrifice him, even though I feel like the whole world crashes over me. I have to let him go, even though I know that I can’t live without him, even if he is the only reason I keep on holding on against life’s obstacles.


My whole being has been covered with sadness and longing. Pretension is the name of the game. But then, at the end of the day, I know that I might fool everybody but never myself. I have dwelled into our memories for such a time; I am still hoping. But then, my sanity interferes, battling with my craziness. I know that he will never come back. I know that I have to continue this battle with life alone.


It’s hard. I laugh, and I smile. Yes, I still do my everyday activities, but now, my life will be different without him, and it will never be the same again. The pain is unbearable. However, I need to accept the fact that there are just things in life which are not permanent and can’t stay with me forever. He just came into my life to play his role, for that was his purpose, and after that, he had to leave me. I have to accept that sad truth. I have to accept God’s will.

Love is a very painful thing for me, but I don’t regret falling for its trap. Why? I have been happy with him. I have learned a lot from him. I learned to love, to care, and to value someone more than just myself. I became selfless. His dreams and I, our dreams are now burned into ashes, disappeared in just a flick of a finger. However, I know that I will find the broken pieces of my life. Not now, but I know someday. Time can only tell. Destiny only knows.

Our story may have ended. Our love song may have faded. Our story may not have ended happily-ever-after. But despite everything, he will always have a special place in my heart. I will never forget him. For me, love never ends, love lasts forever, and love is limitless. But indeed, it will leave you an invisible scar that stays forever.

So, I have to give him a bittersweet goodbye. I must now face the part of letting go and moving on because I should, and I will, and hopefully, I can.

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