Graphic Contest #1 [CLOSED]

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Welcome everyone!

Welcome to the very first Graphic Contest hosted by GraphicsNation!

Are you excited? 'Cause we know we are!

The prompt for today's contest is ... drum roll please ... "Movies/TV Shows." Why movies or TV shows you ask? Well, I'm pretty sure everyone watches movies and/or TV shows, so why not?

We want you to recreate one of your favo(u)rite TV shows or movies into a cover - animated is included too. It can be a recreation of a movie poster as well.

How, you ask?

It's really very simple. The title of the movie or TV show will be your cover's main title. The director or the main actor/actress of the movie or TV show will be your author. Sub-title is optional.

AdventurousA and cloud9_forever have volunteered to make these examples :

Must include :

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Must include :

--  The title of the movie/TV show

-- The author

-- Your username [like @username graphics or something like that]

-- Our username [GraphicsNation]

You cannot use movie/TV show art. Cover must be of your own making. Please credit the fan artist if you use their artwork. You can submit one entry only.


Ah-ha! That word got you excited, didn't it?
Don't lie. 

I know it got you excited 'cause come on, who doesn't love prizes and rewards?

Okay, so the prizes are:

First place - Mention/interview/feature in the winners book + one free graphic from the account + critique for one graphic

Second place -  One free graphic + critique of one graphic

Third place - Critique of one graphic

Post your entry in your graphics book or comment the link. Please do not PM us. If you've posted the cover in your graphics book, make sure to either tag us or dedicate the chapter to us so we can count your entry in.

If you're gonna take part in the contest, comment down while tagging some people who may be interested or some random people and us. So, you're comment should be like this :

"I'm in/joining @username1 @username2 @username3 GraphicsNation" or "I've posted my entry @username1 @username2 @username3 GraphicsNation" or "Here's my entry @username1 @username2 @username3 GraphicsNation."

DEADLINE : 18th September, 2016.

DEADLINE : 18th September, 2016

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