Graphic Contest #31 [CLOSED]

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You will be given a teen-fiction/romance movie or book (or one that's both) and your task is to create it's book cover. But here's the twist- you have to recreate the story as a FANTASY one instead! But also make sure that the cover also has a tint of it's original genre as well.

GRAPHIC TYPE: Book Cover [700 X 1000]

[Yes, we know it's not the WP cover size, but then this isn't a Wattpad cover]


For example, look at the covers below. The one on the left is the original cover of the novel 'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green, and on the right is it's remake in fantasy genre (with some vibes of romance). The banner above (showing Elle and Marco from Kissing Booth 2) is another example.

 The banner above (showing Elle and Marco from Kissing Booth 2) is another example

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You have to create a fantasy cover of either LOVE, SIMON (Becky Albertall) or ALL THE BRIGHT PALCES (Jennifer Niven).


The cover can either be text-based or person-based. If you go with a person, you HAVE to use the actor playing the main role in the movie of the book you choose. The author of the book will be the actual author of the book.


Subtitle 'A graphicsnation entry' | Your username | Subtitle of the book. [those aren't slashes. The cover must have all these three things]


[For those who haven't read either books; although it's not necessary to know the plot to design the graphic]

Love, Simon: Everyone deserves a great love story, but for 17-year-old Simon Spier, it's a little more complicated. He hasn't told his family or friends that he's gay, and he doesn't know the identity of the anonymous classmate that he's fallen for online. Resolving both issues proves hilarious, terrifying and life-changing.

[Cast: Nick Robinson, Keiynan Lonsdale, Katherine Langford]

All The Bright Places: When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, it's unclear who saves whom. And when they pair up on a project to discover the "natural wonders" of their state, both Finch and Violet make more important discoveries: It's only with Violet that Finch can be himself—a weird, funny, live-out-loud guy who's not such a freak after all. And it's only with Finch that Violet can forget to count away the days and start living them. But as Violet's world grows, Finch's begins to shrink.

[Cast: Elle Fanning, Justice Smith]


[In case you're not sure what difference do the two genres have in a cover. First image is a collection of some teenfic books, the next two are fantasy books.]


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. . .

You can submit one entry only.

NOTE: We will be deducting points if the given criteria isn't followed (like the graphic size WHICH IS NOT 512x800 in this prompt, missing user or subtitle etc.) This time we won't be ignoring these things even if the entry looks fabulous all-over.


First place - Interview in the "Graphics Nation Presents" book + one free icon from the account + critique for one graphic

Second place - One free icon + critique of one graphic

Third place - Critique of one graphic

Post your entry in your graphics book or comment the link. Please do not PM us. If you've posted the cover in your graphics book, make sure to either tag us or dedicate the chapter to us so we can count your entry in.

If you're gonna take part in the contest, comment down while tagging some people who may be interested in joining as well. So, your comment should be like this :

"I'm in/joining @username1 @username2 @username3 " or "I've posted my entry @username1 @username2 @username3 " or "Here's my entry @username1 @username2 @username3 ."

DEADLINE: September 12th, 2020 - 12PM GMT
[will be extended if we get fewer than 7 entries or other classified reasons]


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