173 13 6

Hi everyone!

As you know, we've been a dead account for so long and we want to revive it. So, we are recruiting members for our team! Please apply after going through the rules. The link will be in the comments section, on our profile and as an external link to this chapter.


1. Please apply only if you're gonna be committed. If you're not committed, you'll be kicked off. We need your dedication to make this work.

2. You can be a part of any other graphics account but you must be active, dedicated and trust-worthy. You cannot convey our ideas to the other account and the other account's ideas to us. Moreover, if we find out anything that wrong about you if you become a member, you'll be immediately kicked off.

3. Do not apply if you're only going to submit a letter of resignation later. We don't want to select someone who will later tell us that school or work or something else got in the way and they'll need to quit. We will not accept quitters. So do yourself and us a favor and don't apply if you're only going to quit after sometime [even hiatus counts but exams don't]. You can take a break when you have other personal committments so don't worry about that. We just don't want quitters.

4. As you know, we change themes and give graphic prizes. So, if you wanna join this account, you'll need to make the themes when it's your turn which is header and icon and make the prizes (subject to break due to personal committments). You must also know to critique a graphic as mostly, we offer graphic critiques as prizes (you can learn if you don't know). Your favorite song will be the password. So again, apply only if you can do these things.

5. That's pretty much it.

Good luck!

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