Chapter 4: Tiptoe

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"Nobody else can take me higher"

I hate having to pick an outfit. I honestly feel more comfortable in pajamas. Why did I agree to this? I just wanna stay in and read or have my own movie marathon.

I finally decide on jeans and a red v-neck. My phone chirps with a text, I check it and I see my ride is here.

"Bye mom, I'll be back later." I let her know as I pass by.

"Ok, have fun honey."

"C'mon Audrey! The mall is waiting on us." Emma yells from her car as I make it outside to my front yard.

"I'm coming!" I yell back. On my way to the passenger seat side I notice Kay is near the car talking to Emma.

"Kay, I thought you were playing at Bella's house. What are you doing?" I ask

"Ugh nothing, just saying hi to Em... um bye." she looks away like she did something bad and runs next door to Bella's. Huh. That was strange.

I sit in the car and know exactly what Kay was tellling Emma when she turns in her seat and looks me in the eye and says "Tell me everything about this Nate guy...and why haven't you told me about him."


As we browse around Baybrook mall, I tell Emma all about Nate.

"Damn, you know I'm always on your side, but I wish you had lost the bet."

I just finished telling Em about my crazy yet fun (I must admit) day yesturday.

After I had won the game, Nate had tried to give me the hundred dollars which I declined obviously. I felt bad for putting the bet that high. He then procceded to try to get me to agree to a date. I told him that he lost so that was not fair or part of the deal. When I told Em this she said she wanted to slap me and asked why I turned him down. I just shrugged and said I didn't know him that well and I don't even know where he lives or where he's from.

But truthfully, I was scared. Of what, I don't really know. Maybe because I have never dated anyone before or because he looked like he could break girl's hearts. With his piercing green eyes and his way of looking at you that makes you feel special, it makes a dangerous combination.

After that, he had a phone call and said he had to go but that he had fun. I relunctantly agreed to exchange numbers and before he left the arcade he said he would "see me around".

"He's probably forgotten about me." I tell her as we enter the lego store. I want to buy Kay some legos since she has slowly been losing them around the house. I found one in my purse last week. How did it get there? I have no clue. Plus she told me to get her some "light blue ones" so she can build a Elsa's castle like in frozen. She loves building things with her hands and even said that when she grows up she wants to be an architect. At ten years old she already knows what she wants to be.

"Im sure he will call."

"Whatever, I don't care." I reply. Though I didn't want to admit, I do kind of care. Which I shouldn't.

As I'm looking at a star wars movie scene made out of legos in a glass display, I hear Emma say "Well, thats interesting..."

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