Chapter 17: Demons

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"All the sinners crawl
So they dug your grave"

*strong language

"Mark, how did it go?" I ask as soon as I hear him walk in the house. I really hope this fucker didn't screw up the job. It wasn't hard. Just a hit and run. But this dumbass sometimes fucks up the smallest things.

"Fine. I got this dude. I could probably do the next one by myself." He looks all proud and smug.

"Really? You can do a kidnapping and ransom all by yourself little brother? Without leaving a trace?"

He ponders it then rolls his eyes.

"Yeah that's what I fucking thought. Plus a lot of money is riding on this. If you fuck up, this bitch who hired us will find someone else to do the job. Speaking of, she wants to meet tonight. Says she has instructions."

"Cool. The sooner the better. I want the millions."

"Don't forget we only get half of the total."

"Still it's a lot of money." He whistles.

"Yeah, which is why it's important that you listen to every word I say."

"Hey pretty lady." Mark whistles at our well, I guess boss for this job. She won't say her name and doesn't want to know ours. She hired us online. We put a special worded posting on craigslist. One that people like this lady who are looking for special services know about.

"I don't want to stay here long." She inspects the empty secluded warehouse we are in and shudders. "Here is a folder with all the information you need."

"When is payday? I'm not about to do something for free." Mark speaks out. Idiot.

"I already went over this. After the ransom is paid in cash we will meet here again. Make sure you drop the person in a different location once you have the money. No need to lead them back here. Also don't try to steal money from me. I'll make sure to find you. Got it?" She snaps.

"Yes." I simply answer. No need to get this bitch mad.

"Oh, and remember if you get caught...."
She looks at me expecting the answer.

"I remember. Don't worry." Is all I answer. When she told me her full plan I remember thinking how psycho this lady is. But when she told me how much we could make, I didn't give a fuck. Business is business.

"Good. Now don't contact me till the kidnapping part is done." She turns and leaves.

I open the folder and see our targets.
"C'mon Mark, we have some planning to do."
(Audrey P.O.V)

"Yeah I work tomorrow." I make a sad face. Nate wanted to spend the day with me.

"We can eat lunch together. Just text me when your off the clock and I'll bring something for us to eat."

"I'll probably have to stay clocked in. Dan gave Matt and Em some time off to recover, so I'm working by myself. I don't mind though." I'm just happy that they are fine. Matt was discharged this morning after all the tests came back normal.

"Well then I'll keep you company. I have some paperwork to go over in the morning so I'll go straight after. What time do you get off? Your not staying the whole time are you?"

"No, I'll be there till 3. After that Dan will take over."

"After 3, how about we go to the beach."

"Galveston?" I question.

"Yeah. We'll have fun. Kay and your mom can come with us."

"But Galveston has dirty brown water."

"It's not dirty, it's just shallow water."

"Lets go to sylvan beach in LaPorte." It was a smaller beach and less people went there.

"Okay. I spoil you too much."

"I think your overreacting." I then kiss him. We are at his new place watching movies. When he wasn't sure if the company was going to buy the boardwalk, he stayed at a hotel.

Now he owns a four bedroom house not far from me.

"You should move in with me." He suddenly asks. I freeze since it caught me off guard.


"I don't live far from your mom's house so you could still take care of Kay and go to work. I could even buy you a car."

"I can't accept the car. That's too much. But I will think about moving in with you."
"Hey Emma, how are you and Matt doing?" I called to check on them before I go to sleep. I look at the clock and see it's 9:00 pm.

"Better. Matt is staying at my place for awhile though so I can help take care of him." I remember her saying something about that his parents live in Alabama. "What's up with you. Anything interesting happen. I need gossip. It distracts me."

I wonder about telling her that Nate asked me to move in with him. I need advice so I go ahead and tell her.

"What?! You said yes right?"

"I said I would think about it...." I trail off.

"I don't mean to intrude and you don't have to answer, but have you two, uh... you know."

I feel my face get warm. "Yes."

"You didn't tell me! When did that happen and sorry for being nosey. Matt and I did it on our fourth date if you wanted to know."

"I really didn't. But it happened a couple of days after he returned from California." I knew it was the right time. He wasn't trying to pressure me and said he could wait since he knew it would be my first time. I also agreed because I wanted too. I don't regret it at all. I didn't make a big deal about it since I don't believe its breaking news nor should it be. Society puts too much importance on a girl's virginity. Yet men are treated differently when it comes to that subject. It's sexist really.

"So why don't you want to move in with him? You two are in love, your mom supports the relationship, what's holding you back? Matt and I are actually thinking of getting a nice apartment together. Our places are too small."

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I would like to live with him. I just didn't want to dive in 100% without thinking. But now the more I thought about it, I was sure.

Chapter Note: Who do you think the target is? And who is the one planning this? Also I changed the chapter 15 title name from: who we are part 2
to: Rocks. If you haven't read it please do, it will help you understand later on and it includes a Nate point of view(as well as Aimee's).

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