Chapter 4

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Sliding to a halt in front of the tavern Ara screamed "Cohen!" Before she'd even left the saddle, he appeared in the doorway, alarm evident in his features.

"Hebocks at the lake above my home!" Ara exclaimed breathlessly, wiping annoyingly at the beads of sweat on her brow. Cohen glanced at the direction she pointed and then signaled one of his commanders. "Take a detachment of cavalry. Secure all the lookout points above that lake! I want to know where and how they got through!" Turning to her, he whispered so none could hear, "You shouldn't have gone alone."

Ara shook her head. "I wasn't alone."

Understanding registered on his face as his eyes darted to Zacar before looking back at her. "Are you alright? You look a little pale"

The world around Ara wrenched and she closed her eyes to make it stop. "It was Zehlin," she managed.

A string of vernacular erupted. Ara opened her eyes to see Tenan smoldered with rage in the doorway. Though she was standing upright, she felt as though she were tipping over. Ara widened her stance to improve her balance and again wiped at the sweat on her forehead.

Kodan nudged her elbow with his muzzle. "Ara?"

"I'm alright," she slurred. Sharp stinging pain gripped her gut. She gingerly touched the wound Zehlin had inflicted on her. "It's only a small gash," she said, embarrassed at how much pain that little cut was giving her. Trying hard to maintain her composure, she straightened. Then a wave pain washed over her and she doubled over.

Cohen immediately turned from giving orders in time to see her wretch violently. "Ara!"

She held out her hand, trying to keep him away. She heaved again then collapsed to all fours, her head dangling between her arms.

Zacar shoved Cohen away. "Did his blade touch you?"

Ara was too weak to answer.

"Did his blade touch you!" he screamed again.

Realizing he wouldn't leave her be unless she answered, Ara nodded weakly.

He grasped both her shoulders, which sent searing hot barbs through her entire body.


Ara couldn't get past the pain enough to respond.

Seeing a steak of blood on her shirt, Zacar pulled it up. Instead of a red-crusted scab, he found skin with blackened edges, black blue lines crawling away from the wound. Ara arched her back against the pain.

"He used a poisoned blade." His head fell in despair.

Cohen jerked him up and held him by his shirt. "What's the antidote?"

Zacar wrenched free. "There isn't one!"

"Where were you?" Cohen accused.

Guilt flooded Zacar's features. "Where were you?" he retorted quietly.

Cohen's eyes widened and his fists clenched, but Kodan knocked them both aside.

His horn glowing white, he touched the tip on her abdomen. For a long while, blinding light engulfed the space immediately around Ara. Then Kodan stood back—writhing black liquid hanging from his horn. Carefully, Kodan let the liquid touch the ground, where it immediately sank—leaving only a blackened spot in the earth.

"Nothing will ever grow there again." Zacar said.

Cohen knelt beside Ara and placed his hand on her forehead. She stared calmly back at him. In the absence of the pain tearing her body apart, she felt so peaceful. She didn't care if she ever stood again, as long as the pain never found her.

"Ara?" Cohen asked softly.

Her brow creased. "What was that?"

Zacar's breathing was shallow. "Poison darith. Torzac coats weapons in it for his most important enemies." His grateful eyes met Kodan's. "I've never seen it cured before."

Cohen helped Ara sit up. She was perfectly able to stand, but Cohen wouldn't let her. His face had lost all color. "It's how he killed General Yarsef." Cohen's anger shot through Zacar. "Tell me how they make it."

Zacar shook his head. "I don't know the process. The Dwarve slaves derive it from Mlythevere."

Ara's eyes widened. "The same metal as my necklace?" She fingered it skeptically.

Zacar tracked her hand's movements. "Torzac doesn't often use it because it's volatile, rare, and expensive."

Kodan touched her mind, "Mlythevere is the Earth's blood. If Torzac kills it, only a seething poison remains."

"How did you draw it from me?"

"I drew all the Darith elements from the wound." Kodan's searched her soul for understanding. "The effect of Darith increases with each exposure. I'm not sure I could save you the next time."

Ara's heart pounded. "I'll die?"

Kodan nodded gravely. "Most likely."

Cohen looked back and forth as the conversation continued between them. "What did he say?"

Ara didn't break eye contact with Kodan. "If I'm exposed to the poison again, I'll die."

Cohen bowed his head. "I know all too well the persistence of the Kanovian Assassins." He placed a hand on Tenan's shoulder. "You and I will lead a detachment to the lake. We'll kill them all!" Tenan nodded and took off at a jog, ordering men about as he did so. The whole camp seemed to come alive as men scrambled to arms.

Zacar took off after Cohen. "I'm going."

Cohen rounded on him, his face inches away. "You'll stay here!" His muscles were coiled like a cobra ready to strike.

Zacar took a step back, for the threat in Cohen's gaze was as deadly as the cobra's bite.

Zacar took a step back, for the threat in Cohen's gaze was as deadly as the cobra's bite

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