Chapter 19

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A slight breeze stirred the leaves and sent them chasing each other through the heavy air. But the further Ara and Lark traveled, the more violently the wind started to blow. When it was roaring, Lark turned to her. "Our first test," she called before the wind whipped the sound away.

Ara's eyes watered as the wind forced her back; bits of hail starting to whistle around her. Instinctively, she reached within the unnatural wind. "Peace." The wind and hail stopped so quickly that Ara felt a buzzing in her checks.

Lark looked around in wonder, before her gaze lighted questioningly on Ara. "I've been a Keeper of the Path for decades now. The wind has never quelled."

Ara returned her gaze without a word.

"It should have left us with nothing but ourselves."

Ara clucked to Kodan and passed Lark's inquisitive eyes. She pulled out her lunch and ate hungrily. The food rested warmly in her stomach, and she felt the strength of it spreading throughout her. "Feel up to a good run?" she asked Kodan.

He immediately perked up. "Are you well enough?"

Ara looked Lark and her narneck up and down askance. "Race you?" she challenged.

Lark shot her a curious glance before swinging in the saddle. Ara responded by leaning low over Kodan and standing in the stirrups. He burst forth like water escaping from too tight a container. On and on they raced. Lark's horse was a rare animal, keeping up rather well. Kodan allowed him to keep pace, but never let him so much as a breath past him. Still, Lark's narneck eventually became winded, and Ara slowed Kodan to a stop—smiling at the exhilaration of Kodan's speed.

They walked on while their mounts caught their breath, when suddenly a figure leapt from the trees in front of them. Many other soon joined him. He looked at Lark apologetically, sorrow filling his features. Then he turned to Ara. "I am Donday, Keeper of the Path. You may not pass."

Out of habit, Ara always kept her cloak activated. She untwisted the clasp now, and Donday inhaled sharply. He was husky, by Elven standards. His shock of black hair contrasted with his fair skin and light sprinkling of freckles, making him appear younger than his many years. Surprised to find kindness in his hazel eyes, Ara reached out hopefully. "I am Ara, Priestess of the Utheral Unicorns. The Queen wishes that I pass."

Donday's eyes darted over her. Finally, he nodded and stepped aside. "Somehow, I know you speak the truth."

Lark lost her carefully placed composure, as did the other astonished Elves, but none moved to override Donday's authority. Ara passed him, and more Elves dropped down on all sides, following them towards the city. Kodan's steps shortened as he crested a sharp rise. When they reached the pinnacle, Ara had an unimpeded view of the city below—white granite blending harmoniously with the green of the forest. Ara looked on in wonder, for surely this city was built around the forest instead of the other way around.

Lark continued down the hill, but Ara was rooted to the spot. Unable to breathe or even blink, she stared. "The sea." Her soul articulated all it's yearning to Kodan.

Lark looked back at Ara and then followed her gaze. "You have never seen the sea?" she asked in disbelief

Ara sat, unwilling to move while her body connected with the ocean. Even at this distance, she could smell the water. The longing that she'd had as she looked on Jarrer's murals was a mere hint of the longing she felt now.

Lark turned back around. "You haven't, have you?" she asked sadly.

Ara didn't respond.

Lark sighed deeply. "Our kind came from the sea. It's a great mockery that it was denied to you."

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