Chapter 9

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*unedited draft

Tenan pulled off his helm and dismounted to look aghast at the ruined Ahdlyn. They'd fought for years to protect her from their enemy—each mile they lost had cost them greatly in blood—the blood of his friends. Nonae was their last stronghold before Cohen completely pulled them back. When he'd left months before, she had stood regally below the Sacred Mountains. He'd known then that the Hebock's would either burn her or take her over. Obviously, they'd chosen to burn her. Now all that remained was hallow, charred stone.

The only sound was the wind whistling through the trees and over the ruined wheat. He turned to face the men behind him. Their faces spoke leagues. They'd given their all, watched their brother's die to protect this, their capital. Now it stood before them as a testament to their failure.

Tenan stood before them and drew his dagger. He sliced his left hand and let them see the blood dripping from his clenched fist into the grass. "With every last drop, I will fight them! They will pay!" Tenan said as he remounted. "They will pay!"

The men roared and Tenan led them streaming down the rise towards Torqu in the Wild Lands.

He sent out spies before the main company to determine the whereabouts of their enemy and to map out the Kanovian's camp. They returned a few days later. He gathered his fifty around the map they'd drawn. "They are prepared to march from Torqu any day now. We strike tonight just after midnight. Each man will be assigned to a group, and each group will be responsible for themselves."

"We'll kill two pickets and sneak in here." Then he traced the map to the officer's tents. In succession, he pointed as he spoke, "Torzac's and his second and third in command. We sneak in and cut their throats. It's absolutely imperative that they don't cry out when they die." His eyes bored into them until he was sure they understood the severity if they failed. "If we're discovered, we'll be trapped in the midst of them." The men nodded grimly. They understood all too well.

Tenan called out the names of the men in his second group. "Your assignment is to kill the sentry guarding the horses and cut the rope corral. When we've made it through, scatter them. Chase them with your own horses if you have to." He paused for a moment. "If you do your job well, they won't be able to follow us." He asked if any of them had questions, answered them, and moved on to the third group.

This group consisted entirely of Dwarves that Ara had rescued. He eyed them evenly. "Did any among you help the Kanovians manufacture poisons?"

Three of the Dwarves, including Talhan raised their hands.

"I want you to poison their food and water and blow their supply tent sky high." Tenan stated as he pointed to the tents.

The Dwarves looked back and forth between each other. With nothing more than a nod, they went to gather the ingredients for their poisons and explosives.

Tenan addressed the last group of both Men and Dwarves—his father among them. "I want you to set fire to anything that burns." His eyes smoldered with rage. "My spies tell me there are bundles of hay for the horses. We're going to take those bundles and stack them in key places." He gestured with his hands. "If all goes as planned, we'll light them just before retreating." He shrugged. "If not, we'll light them with fire arrows from a distance."

Wandering among them then, Tenan answered questions and clarifying points. When he was certain that they all knew exactly what was expected of them, they separated. He joined the men going to assassinate the officers. They waited just beyond the sentries gaze. Just after midnight, he soundlessly drew his bow and let his arrow fly. It hit with a thud and the man toppled over. Crouching down, his fifty sprinted forward. Tenan pulled out his arrow and watched them go before prowling through the darkened camp. Hebocks and men were segregated into different areas, and the Kanovian officers they hunted were all men.

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