Chapter 24

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A dream came to her. Ara saw herself lying on Jarrer's chest, the snow sizzling as it met its ends in the fire's flames. Looking down, she saw a strange creature standing next to her. From head to toe, he was covered in soft chestnut fur. He was short, the top of his head barely coming to her knee. What amazed her most was that he walked on two legs—she'd never seen an animal do that before. He had a strange button-like nose, and hairless lips—similar to her own. His face was perfectly flat from top to bottom. Taking in his body, Ara noticed his long tail with a tuft at the end like a cow's. He stared intently at her.

"What are you?" she asked in wonder.

Ignoring her question, he spoke, and his voice was that of a human child, "Murgren help you."

Ara looked at his small size and innocent face. How could he help them against bears, wolves, and the bitter cold?

"Murgren help you," he said again.

Ara studied him. Well, I don't suppose it can hurt. "Very well."

He smiled broadly, revealing sharp, pointed teeth. "Murgren need Ara wake up."

Immediately, Ara felt her soul return to her body and sleep flee. She sat up and trained her gaze at the place she'd stood with the strange creature. Sure enough, he was on the other side of the fire, grinning as if he'd just won a prize.

More than a little afraid that she'd invited this odd creature to their camp, she grasped her dagger hilt. If the creature noticed, he made no indication. Instead, he wandered to her, that giddy smile still on his lips. She wasn't sure why, but she made no move to wake her companions.

He entered their rough dwelling and appraised Ara. It made her feel incredibly uncomfortable, the way he was looking at her. As if he had already divined everything about her. Just as she drew breath to speak, the creature reached out and placed both of his tiny, hairless palms on her face. When he pulled them back, Ara's felt her cheeks glowing with a pleasant warmth that spread leisurely through her body. When it had finished, Ara's strength, both physical and otherwise, had completely returned. She gaped at the creature before quickly placing her slender hands back over Jarrer's face.

Sending her soul back into him, she sensed all the damage and worked feverishly to heal it. When she had finished, she opened her eyes and carefully drew her hands back. Jarrer's face was completely healed, only a white scar above his jaw remained as a testament to his attack. Ara beamed up at the furry creature. "You gave me the strength to finish! Thank you!"

"Jarrer still weak. Meat. Murgren get some. Sleep. Animals not bother Ara while Murgren here."

"How do you know our names?" she asked incredulously.

He ducked his head in embarrassment. "Murgren know more than Ara know."

She opened her mouth to ask what he meant, but he wasn't there anymore. One minute, she was looking at him, the next he was gone. Ara felt sleep overtaking her, and somehow, she knew Murgren was doing it. Strangely enough, it didn't bother her. Peacefully, she lay down and closed her heavy eyes.

She felt someone gently shaking her shoulder. "Ara. Ara, wake up."

Ara opened her eyes to see Lark kneeling over her. Judging by the gloomy light, it was morning in Lourel. Sitting up, she saw a pan of food at their feet. Donday and Lark were looking at her questioningly. "Oh, Murgren must have brought it," Ara said as she rubbed at her tired eyes.

Lark started at her words. "Murgren?"

Ara looked around the camp. "Where did he go?"

"Who's Murgren?" Lark repeated.

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