Chapter 25

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Ara and her Elven friends shifted course slightly more southerly than before. The way was harder now, as they had to trudge through heavy snow. Ara heard the rushing of mighty waters long before she saw the river stretching before her. It was even broader than the lake above her home in Bondell. But it was flowing towards the sea. "It's flowing to the wrong way!" Ara despaired, "We can't fight against the current. And we don't have a boat." She noticed her companions warily watching the water while grasping their sword hilts and fear grew within her breast.

Murgren's dark eyes swung from the water to her. "Faith lady." He turned back to the water and pursed his lips. A whistle pierced the air.

Ara studied the black water expectantly, when an enormous head appeared above the water. With a start, Ara and her companions stepped quickly backwards, but Murgren made no move. An enormous brown and gold snake whose girth of the snake was wider than Kodan slithered towards them and looked at Murgren expectantly. With most of his body submerged, Ara was left to guess at exactly how big the snake really was. Now Ara understood why the animals didn't come near this place. She wouldn't either. I hate snakes! She cringed inwardly.

The snake's long thin tongue flicked in and out of its mouth. "Yesss Murgren." It hissed.

"Murgren want payment." Murgren gestured to his companions. "Elves and Murgren need ride."

"All of you?" Came the reply.

Murgren merely nodded.

"Let me sssee." The reptile disappeared back into the water. Immediately, Murgren disappeared.

Ara wasn't sure her legs would hold her weight anymore. "Jarrer, I hate snakes."

Jarrer turned surprised eyes on her. "They're called Bisbeburn. You ate bugs this morning Ara, snakes shouldn't be a problem."

"I can't do it." She tried to keep the lament from her voice.

"Ara," Jarrer said sternly. "The animals of this forest are not going to let us through. We're lucky to have made it this far." His voice softened. "And I can't walk much further."

Ashamed at her weakness, Ara nodded. Her feet grew numb and wet as she waited for Murgren to return. When he did reappear, he was holding a vat full of what looked to Ara like softened lard. He started slicking the substance on himself, offering it to them as well. "Keep you warm," he explained simply.

Donday and Jarrer starting smearing the greasy substance on their bodies, but Ara and Lark both hesitated.

"What is it?" Lark's lip curled in distaste.

"Murgren makes Bisbeburn ointment," he answered merrily.

Stepping forward, Ara hesitantly scooped some in her fingertips. Immediately, she felt the pleasant warmth spread up her arm. "It's warm!"

Lark stepped forward and tentatively touched it. Bringing it to her nose, she smiled. "It smells like pine." Those two attributes were enough to convince the two females to start slathering the substance on themselves. Ara almost asked where or how Murgren made it, but then she thought of the bugs for breakfast and decided she'd really rather not know.

Not long after they'd coated themselves, the snake appeared again. This time flanked by many other large Bisbeburn. Choosing the smallest, Murgren approached its side. Dutifully, the snake lowered its head and Murgren straddled him. The snake easily lifted him in the air.

"Are you sure they can hold our weight?" Ara asked hesitantly.

In response, one snake slithered out of the water, his face just in front of hers. Ara was surprised to see his long body still in the water. His tongue flicked out again, and then he dipped his head down and pushed her back. She landed with a "humph" on her bottom. It took all of Ara's will not to draw her sword and slice its head off.

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