Chapter 6

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Cohen had no sooner reached his office, when his guard announced one of his scouts with an urgent message. The ragged man stumbled into the room. "General." He bowed slightly. Without waiting for permission, he blurted out, "The Kanovians gather to march for Bondell."

Cohen immediately straightened. So the attack on Ara had only been a preemptive strike. "How many?"

The man's shoulder's sagged. "Even with the devastation at TorquMountains, his host is innumerable. He's gathered all his raiding hordes together with the main army."

Cohen gestured to the map. "Show me."

The scout pointed to the forests around Torqu. "He's gathering his entire force here."

"How many."

The man seemed to shrink inside his filthy clothes. "I counted at least 200 detachments, sir."

Cohen leaned back, his mind chewing over the scout's words. At a hundred men per detachment, that meant at least 200,000 Kanovians bearing down upon Bondell. Cohen had less than half that. We wouldn't last a day.

Suddenly a memory of Ara flashed in his mind. Without flinching, she'd prodded him to arm the women and young children. Would the same action be required today? He nodded curtly to the bedraggled man. "Do you have anything else to tell me?"

"No, sir."

Cohen thanked then dismissed the man. Calling a sentry, he ordered all the commanding officers gather at his headquarters immediately.

When all the men had gathered, he laid out his only plan. "Kanovia marches for Bondell over 200,000 strong." The men inhaled sharply. "You all know we have less than half that." His officers nodded, despair evident in their demeanor. "I ask that you all listen without interruption now." Taken back by the strange request, the men nodded as Cohen continued. "Years ago, I fought with a small village to block raiders from entering their lands. They were vastly outnumbered. A fellow combatant convinced me to arm the women and children. Almost, I refused. But seeing they would all die or become slaves when we failed, I agreed. We armed them with bows and sent them on the wall surrounding the village. Thy provided cover for us, allowing us the time we needed to evacuate the wounded and infirm. We didn't win the day, but we lived to fight another." Cohen eyed each man seriously. "With trepidation, I feel it is time for such measures again."

The commanders all stared dumbfounded at their much-loved leader. "They won't stand a chance!" One finally exclaimed. The other men nodded their agreement. Only Tenan remained silent.

Cohen met his gaze unflinchingly. "And what chance do they stand if they don't fight." It was not a question.

The men's hard faces softened somewhat. They were no longer fighting to protect their cities. Now they were fighting for their very right to live. "They'll be here in a month." One stated the obvious.

Tenan stood, his loyalty evident. "If you'll excuse me, I've much training before then." Cohen nodded thankfully to him but gestured for him to retake his seat as he looked back over the room. His gaze paused at each one of his chosen leaders as he waited for the affirmative nod. He knew that none of them liked the idea, but they couldn't argue with the unavoidable logic. Eventually, every one gave it.

Cohen gestured for Tenan to wait while the rest of the men filed out. After the door shut firmly behind the last man, Cohen came straight to the point, "I've another assignment for you."

Tenan squared his shoulders in anticipation.

"You saw what the assassins did to Ara today?"

Tenan nodded, anger still evident in his grey eyes.

"There are few I'd trust to guard her life." Knowing how much he was asking Tenan to sacrifice, Cohen searched his face for a reaction.

Tenan dropped his head. "Can I force her to obey me?" he asked recklessly.

Cohen burst into laughter and thumped Tenan on the back. "I'll send Bomin to guard her today, if you can reassign your duties by tomorrow?'

Tenan's face fell, he so loved teaching swords and working with his detachment, but he managed a nod despite his feelings. 


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