Chapter 16

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Even the individual blades of grass seemed vibrant to Ara's eyes. Her grief for Tenan had been so consuming she hadn't noticed the gradual change in the landscape. This strange new world was truly beautiful. She couldn't help but notice the heaviness of the air. So full of moisture, she found it hard to breath. The vegetation grew lush and dense. The ground itself is moist, Ara realized in shock as it sprang back from Kodan's steps. Ferns grew out of the black soil. "Everything's so green and there are so many trees," she said to her companions.

Bomin nodded. "Wait until you see the ocean."

"The ocean!" Ara burst out. She'd heard of the ocean before from Myrel. Vast amounts of water stretching out as far as you could see—far enough to see the gentle curve of the Earth. Myrel had even said that the water tasted like salt, though Ara was fairly certain Myrel was teasing her. "Can you swim in it?" she asked tentatively.

Bomin's face paled. "The Elves do." He shuddered. "The waves are as high as hills with little waves fluttering on the big ones like the wind blowing the grasses on a hill. And when there's a storm, the waves are as high as snowcapped mountains."

Ara saw the fear in his face, and she quivered in wonder. "I want to see it."

Bomin shook his head in disgust, "Elves." He muttered under his breath. "Never understand 'em."

Just before they stopped that night, it began snowing. Adding more wood to the fire, Ara shivered as she looked out over another lake they camped beside—there seemed to be no shortage of them in this foreign place. She took her place next to Zacar at dinner. The moment she sat beside him, he hissed, "My parent's curse will follow me everywhere. Everything his mother loved had been stripped from her. I am doomed to suffer her fate." His dark eyes clouded.

Ara gasped at the look. She recognized it from her short encounter with Zacar's father, Torzac. Hate. Strong, unyielding, unquenchable hate.

"What's wrong with him?" Bomin gestured with a slice of jerky as Zacar stormed off.

Ara didn't answer, as she watched Zacar disappeared between the trees.

The next morning, Ara shook the excess snow from her blanket. Snow weighted down the vibrant foliage, leaving the heavy branches sagging. Everything looked so fresh and clean. Ara finished packing her things just as the sun came up. Her breath caught as the light touched individual flakes of snow and sparks erupted all around her. Squinting against the brightness, Ara felt the warmth on her face as her breath escaped in white puffs about her head.

Bomin cursing his horse broke the stillness.

Casting an amused glance at Bomin, Ara threw back her blanket and rolled her bed things up. She tossed her saddle over Kodan's withers. Struggling to tighten the cinch with her numb hands, she startled when something entered the boundaries of her soul. She pulled the leather strap tight and concentrated. Zehlin! She cried before her eyes had even opened. Her heart pounded fear through her veins. The last time she'd encountered Zehlin, he'd nearly killed her. Recoiling, she shrank back before her wits returned to her. Jerking hard at the cinch, she hissed, "Zehlin's coming with nearly fifteen others!"

Ara cast an aggravated glance at the smoke rising through the trees. Surely, it would bring the Kanovians right to them. She mounted and then turned to see Bomin struggling to find a high place so that he could reach the stirrup. Groaning, she dismounted and reached him in two strides. Without a word, she hefted his bulk into the saddle and sprinted back to Kodan. He whipped around as she bent low over his withers.

Using his reins, Zacar whipped his mount to keep up with Ara, as Bomin bounced awkwardly in the saddle behind him. Ara held Kodan back and spoke to Bomin, "How much further?"

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