My SON!!!

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Fair I guess, right???



Jake's POV:

When Rudra was born, he became the centre of everyone's world. His happiness made everyone forget their hardships. So much so that even I was temporarily forgiven. We were all too busy being happy to really worry about the anything; anything at all.

Rudy, my Rose glowed with joy even as fatigue showed through. Caro was beside herself. She would cuddle him up every few minutes, whispering something in his ears. My in-laws were proud and so was everyone in the family. 

Special sweets were prepared. Sweets filled with pure homemade, rich butter and loads of dry fruits. It was heavenly. Caro stole more than she made. She would make one and sneak another and pass it on to a little child. One of Rose's aunts realized that quite a few were missing and shooed these kids along with Caro away.

It was a hilarious sight. I had't seen my little princess this happy in ages. She was herself again. She was her 8 year old self. 

I felt complete. Whole again. He cemented us. He gave Caro a reason to smile, to laugh, to live. He, well he was my breath, my life and every time I looked at him, I vowed to make him a better person. But I knew, if he hated me, it would be fair. I had after all kicked him and his mother out. I had told him I didn't want him, yet, he never cried when he came into my arms, yet he always smiled at me.

I never ever wanted to leave them, my love, my life and my family.

But, as all good things come to an end, I feared that this time wonderful time would come to an end too. I prayed that it didn't. I really did.

I worked hard too. Not just with my family but with their hotel empire too. Setting up base in the warehouse, I got the operations started, I put in funds and within days we were slowly but surely getting back on track. I had had a meeting with the entire work force and had apologized for the inconvenience caused to all of them and promised to have everything back in shape in 6 months max.

One brave soul had asked me then, "Sir, why did you harms the Rathores??? We all love them and had it not been for Rathore Sir himself, we wouldn’t have come here." My heart sank. They were loyalists. 

I didn't doubt that. What made me jealous was the fact that maybe I didn't have as many with me. 

I had nodded and said that I hadn't and it was a strategic move. But, it didn't really work.

I knew I had to do something. I had to get my family back. I had to get out of this mess.

So, I walked upto Grandpa and tried to speak with him.

It was a disaster waiting to happen.



 I was sitting with my brother's and dad. We were deciding business matters. We had been trying to get back on our feet. In fact we had been successful in our way in the past few months. We had quietly started 2 restaurants in Canada. Some of my brothers hadn't come home. They had stayed where they were and with our help created theme restaurants. All Indian, and they were doing really well. We had already broken even, made profits this month.

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