Chapter 1

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Every week I'd walk to the donut & coffee shop a block or two away. I'd get up, didn't bother showering, changed into my day clothes, and went to get myself a coffee or some food. Except for the days of the week, it was all routine, even the cat I saw every day I went was routine.
A grey, fluffy kitty always greeted me when I walked down the alley towards the shop. He or she is always around whenever I go, no matter the day or time. Assuming it's a stray, I'd feed it whatever food I had leftover. I thought about taking it in, but financially I couldn't. I rarely have enough money for myself, I can't buy a cat some litter to poop in if he can do it outside.

"Mrrow.." I said into the alleyway, waiting for the response I usually get. I meowed a few times hoping to hear him.
I became a bit frantic as most people do when things don't go on schedule, not to mention how worried I'd be about the kitty even if I didn't have a schedule.
I shrugged it off. I didn't want to, but I did, and went to the shop.  I figured maybe he'd come out to play on my way back home.

I ordered a large coffee with a double shot to stay awake, although it rarely worked with my tolerance of caffeine. I had a pretty bad addiction to caffeine. Sometimes the cashiers would pick up on it, and refuse my drinks, even though I think they can't do that legally...

I walked out with my drink, and headed toward the small but open alleyway.
"Mew..?" I said lightly.
Nothing, again.
Worried more than before, I searched longer. Searched the bins he usually laid between, nope. The broken patio to the abandoned house he laid under, nope. I even checked the wet, cold spots that he hated and he was still nowhere to be found.
I felt sad. I was lonely. I didn't have human friends since I didn't like people. Nothing against them, it's just not my thing.

I slumped home, perking up whenever I saw things running in bushes, only to frown again when I noticed it wasn't my kitty.

It felt like a long way home. I reached for the railing to the steps of my porch, and drug myself up them.
I heard behind me.
I sprung up and turned around to see my kitten.
I smiled, and went to go pick him up and pet him. Holding him in my arms like a baby, and kissing his little head. He purred loudly as I cuddled him. I didn't care that he was dirty. I missed him more than anything even though it's only been a few days.
"Where have you been?" I spoke to the cat as though he'd respond in human language.
"Mow!" He let out.

I wondered, did he follow me home? I would've noticed him. But it didn't matter, he was here and at my comfy place: home.
I thought fuck it. And took him in, making him my cat. His little legs travelled all the way here, he deserves a resting spot.

I brought him in, and set down a paper plate and bowl. I gave him some turkey from a sandwich I didn't eat, and water.
I figured he would go straight for the food, but when I put it down he came towards me. I was sitting on the ground and he pushed me over, nuzzling into my face. He licked me and purred loudly. He climbed onto my chest and put his paw on my nose.

I sighed happily, glad I had a new friend.

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