Chapter 2

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I had fallen asleep on the floor. When I woke up I heard beeping from the microwave, and the sink running.
Odd, I thought. I hadn't left the sink or microwave on before I napped.
I got up to go check what had been going on, and I was in shock.
There my cat was, using a microwave. And there he was, running the sink, filling a glass with water. The sink even had the cold knob turned on.
He saw me and meowed, jumping down from the counter trotting over to me. He rubbed against my leg and purred.
"What're you...up to?" I said hesitantly, laughing.
"Mrow!" He yelled, sounding joyful.
I went to the microwave to see what was inside.
It was an old Lean Cuisine I had left in my freezer for months. Wasn't bad though.
I turned the sink off.
I checked to see if anyone was in my house, which I don't know why. I don't understand why an intruder would pour himself a glass of water and make themselves a Lean Cuisine.
I checked anyways only to reveal no one.
"Who did this?" I asked the kitty. I still have yet to name him.
"Mow!!" He curled his paw, making it look like he pointed to himself.
I stood confused looking down at him.
He jumped on the table and did the paw curling again.

Shit. Was he telling me he mad it? I felt so weak, it was stupid to nearly cry over a smart cat. That can understand human language. And can read. I knew he could read. If he did this he must've read the instructions on the packaging of the Lean Cuisine.

It was only hard to take in. Once I accepted that he was a cat that can do human things and understand humans, I came back to reality. He was nuzzled in my arm. I hadn't noticed at first, I must've blacked out for a second.

He seemed scared, so I picked him up.
"You okay?" I pet his little head.
My unnamed cat shook his head no.
"What's wrong?" I asked once again.
No answer at all.

The beep on the microwave made me put him down and grab the food. We shared it, some raviolis.

I lay in my bed, staring. I could make money off him. That was a scary thought. I didn't want to use my only friend for money. And if I did someone would probably take him away.
I sighed. I would cry around now, but I didn't. I was happy I had a friend that I could communicate with.
"Mew..." He still had a baby meow.
I sat up and motioned him to come onto my lap, and he did.
"What should I name you? Something a smart kitty needs? Not a baby name?"  I asked him.
He shook his little noggin.
"Hmm...Zeko? It's a cool name I wanted to name a K9 when I was young." I giggled.
He slipped out of my lap, and went to go get a sheet of paper and a pen from my desk. He carried the pen in his mouth and the paper crumpled in his paw.
"ArrU" His handwriting was terrible, but I understood.
"Arru?" I asked, hoping to pronounce it okay.
He nodded, and purred climbing back into my lap. He licked my arm and sneezed cutely.
Arru turned around and stretched, putting his butt in my face. It was a boy for sure.
I'd just assumed, thinking whatever, but it's good I know now.

I laid back, exhausted. My coffee didn't work, as usual.
Arru came up to my face, licking and purring. It was a bit odd, but really cute at the same time. He eventually stopped and laid on my chest, curled in a little ball. He fell asleep quickly, and so did I.

My Kitty Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ