Chapter 9

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Imagine waking up sad. It happens to all of us, especially when you lost your cat the previous night.
I stared at my ceiling, but took my blankets off, hoping the cold air prevents me from falling back asleep.
All of a sudden, I get an epiphany. I'll just go down the alley!
The only problem with that..Arru isn't stupid, well, at least in full.
If he was really upset he probably wouldn't be there, but anything was worth a try. I needed to find where this cat was at.
I hurriedly got up, washed my face of last night's tears, and dressed as nice as I could in ten seconds. A hoodie and sweatpants seems stylish enough.
How many days has it been since I fully showered?
That's besides the point, I had to find Arru.
Rushing out the same door he left from last night, I grabbed an umbrella. It was still lightly drizzling in the foggy morning.

Immediately I head towards the alley, searching every bush and tree I walked by, and more.
My town was never busy, but I saw one car drive past me as I approached the alleyway.
I ran a bit faster as it got closer around the corner.
That same car, the one that drove past me and got a speck of road water on my lip, went through that alleyway. My heart sunk, thinking the absolute worst.
I quickly got to the entrance of that large alley, since I ran so quick that my body managed to sweat in the chilly weather.
What I saw at the end horrified me.
No, I thought. No, no, no, no, no!
A lump of red and grey scattered the road.
Why is everything such a shithole? Why did I let him leave? Why did he leave? Couldn't I h-


I turned around. Arru, Arru!
I picked that wet, dirty, beautiful cat up. Might have squeezed him a little too hard.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I smiled and held him up to my face.
He didn't meow much, but I didn't care. As long as I held this cat, he couldn't escape again.
"We're going right home." I looked into Arru's confused eyes.
I made sure to not lose my grip of him.
But I wanted to see what that grey lump was.
Approaching it, I felt dumb. It was just a dead pigeon next to an old torn rag.
"Someone has to pay for my Lasik." I giggled to Arru.

On our way home, it'd seem completely normal. About one person spotted us. And, hopefully but most-likely, it just looked as if a stranger found their cat.
A lot of the walk was silent, as Arru was a cat, he couldn't speak.
"You know, I was worried about you." I told him, somewhat happy he couldn't reply.
When we got to my porch, I placed him down.
"You. You stay."
I rung my umbrella out and walked inside.
Arru hesitantly followed. He looked so fucking sad.
"I'm going to make you something to eat, okay? It's 11 and you haven't eaten since yesterday. Even that wasn't much." I calmly told him.
Arru strut his stuff upstairs.
"Guess I'll bring it up then..."

Preparing some chicken and cheese, I heard human footsteps come down.
A fully clothed cat-boy came through the kitchen entrance. And man, did he look good in sweatpants.
I was so happy though, partially from being worried I brought the wrong cat home, but mostly just having him in my presence again.
Looking up at him, I smiled and hugged him.
It took him a second, but he embraced me back.
"You're not mad?" He asked.
"Well, I'm not thrilled, but I understood." I replied.
"I'd be happier if you explained more over breakfast." I gently pulled away.
He softly smiled, and sat at my table.
I plated the breakfast chicken, and put it in front of him. He scarfed it down like nothing.
"W-Water?" He tried to politely ask.
I poured him a glass.
"Maybe you can answer my questions." I said in between bites.
"Ask me anything! I promise I'll be truthful this time.." He was still so cute.
"First, am I your first 'mate'?" I sternly asked.
"Yes, master."
"Is that an act?" I asked one of my most frequent thoughts.
"Is what an act..?" Arru tilted his head.
This boy is really trying to make me say it.
"Ugh..How damn cute you are? The way you act?" I wanted to blush.
"N-No, well...In a sense, yes, it's exaggerated. But I do enjoy keeping my playful and childlike nature..."
That was a brutally respectable answer.
I smiled at him, realizing his intentions are genuine.
"C-Can I have more of your chicken?" Arru pointed.
"What do you say?" I teased him.
He tilted his head. "It's 'please', right?"
"Yeah," I cut off some chicken and placed it on his dish. "I have a lot more questions. You ready?"

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