Chapter 10

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All at once, a hoard of ghouls ran at us. I shot them as quickly as I could, momentarily forgetting I have V.A.T.S., and groaned.

"Why is it always ghouls? They never have anything good on them."

Deacon chuckled as he helped take down some of the ghouls.

They began falling from a hole in the ceiling, and rushing in from a door in the back corner.

I jumped onto the counter to get a better angle, and used V.A.T.S. It took out a couple of the ghouls. I glanced at Deacon, and saw a ghoul swiping at him. I quickly shot it in the head, making it collapse.

"You know, you're really good at this. Too good."

I hopped off the counter and laughed.

"I didn't think there was such a thing as being too good at saving your ass."

He knelt by the wrinkled corpses and picked up the few things they had.

"You'd miss me. Admit it."

"I'd never admit that. Even if it was true."

I looked smugly at him before taking all the comic books off the shelf in front of me.

"That's not even worth picking up, boss."

I put them all in my inventory, looking at him defiantly.

"What was that you called me? Boss? Oh, that's right. I'm in charge. I'll pick up all the crap I want."

Deacon picked up a baseball and began tossing it up and catching it.

"Your call."

While he was distracted by the ball in midair, I quickly grabbed it, making him complain.

"Aww, I was playing with that."

I held the ball up.

"That's what she said."

I grinned and put the ball in my bag also. I walked around the room picking up everything I could find, and came across a safe in the wall. I pulled a bobby pin and a screwdriver from my pocket and started picking the lock. It clicked open quickly, and I took everything from the safe without bothering to check what it all was. Most safes have the same types of things in them. Ammo, prewar money, a gun, some silver, etc.

"Pretty good picking, boss. Count me impressed."

I walked up some stairs, holding my gun out again. Deacon followed me, also with his gun out. There was a set, complete with a mannikin in a Silver Shroud costume.

"So that's how those shows were made."

I started approaching the costume, when I noticed the glowing green behind the backdrop. I quickly backed up, whispering to him.

"It's a glowing one. Get ready, this could get ugly."

I shot the feet I saw under the cloth, and it ran out at me. I continuously shot it as it got closer. It got several hits on me, the Deacon began hitting it with his gun. The ghoul focused on him, and I was able to shoot better. I used V.A.T.S. to finish it off, and Deacon sighed in relief. I took out a bag of RadAway, and handed it to him.

"You'll need this. You're almost glowing yourself."

He took the bag, then quickly lifted his gun.


I dropped, and he shot a ghoul in the head.

I stood back up, and nodded in approval.

"Good shot. Thanks."

Deacon nodded, and used the RadAway.

"No problem, boss."

I walked back over to the costume. I took the hat off the mannikin and put it on my own head. I began mocking the radio show, using a ridiculous fake voice.

"I'm the Silver Shroud, and you will face justice!"

I made a dramatic pose, and Deacon burst out laughing.

I pulled the rest of the clothes off, and put them in my bag. I figured I could sell them later, since I didn't have much of a use for them.

I looted the rest of the room, then I saw some lockers in the back. Those usually have pretty good loot. I opened the first door, and saw some clothes. I held them up, and saw it was a green loincloth and some brown boots.

Deacon walked over.

"Whatcha got there?"

I grinned.

"Your new outfit."

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