Chapter 44

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"We need to take the Institute down as soon as possible."

I slammed my hands on the table, causing everyone to jump. My audience consisted of Deacon, Piper, Paladin Danse, Preston, and Sturges.

"What happened to possibly working something out, boss?"

I looked at him.

"I found some new information. My whole life here was an experiment. They wanted to see what I would do when I unfroze. Well, they're about to find out how their experiment ends. Spoiler: It'll be with a bang."

The expressions on their faces ranged from confusion, to anger, to determination.

"Whatever you need, we'll have your back, soldier."

Paladin Danse saluted to me. 

"Thank you. I'll need soldiers and firepower. Let Maxson know what the plan is when we're finished here."

He nodded.

I looked to Sturges.

"Did you find a way into the Institute without teleporting?"

"I did, General. I thought they must get their water from somewhere above ground, and I was right. Turns out there's a pipeline that lets out near Ticonderoga Tower that we can sneak through. Keep in mind, it'll be radioactive water we'll be going through, and probably some not so nice creatures."

"Good work, Sturges. Will you gather radiation gear for the team?"

"Can do, General."

He nodded and walked away. I took a deep breath and looked around. 

"One more thing. Our break in team needs to be small, stealthy, and highly skilled. Piper, Deacon. I want you two with me and Sturges on the initial break in. Danse, we can teleport you in. You will be in charge of the cavalry."

Piper had a determined expression.

"We can do it, Blue. Just you wait. We'll free the Commonwealth from the Institute."

"Boss, do you mind if we talk alone?"

I glanced a Deacon, then at the others. They walked out, leaving just me and Deacon in the room.

"Des made a request. She would like us to sound the alarm before we blow the place sky high. So the synths we contacted will have a chance to get out."

I nodded.

"Of course. I want as few innocent casualties as possible. I'll take care of that myself."

He smiled in relief and pulled me in for a quick hug.

"Thank you."

When he let go, I sat down in my chair and put my head in my hands.

"What's up, boss? You look down."

"It's just been a long day."

"Want to talk about it?"

I smiled up at him sadly.

"Yeah, actually. I just found out everything I knew was a lie. I can't tell what, or who is real anymore. It's just very disorienting. Not to mention the fact my old life is a hazy memory that is fading with each minute. Those memories are being replaced with ones that have been planned, faked, or altered. I just need to get the Institute out before that's all that's left of me. I need to know I'm more than their guinea pig."

I put my head down on the desk when I finished talking. I felt his hand on my back and patting me gently.

"If it's any consolation boss, not everything has been a lie. I know for a fact that I wasn't a part of the plan, and yet here we are. You're more than a guinea pig. You are the most steadfast and strong person I have ever met. And that's with me included."

"It is a consolation. Isn't it ironic that the pathological liar and possible synth is the most trustworthy and real person I know?"

I grin at him even though tears are stinging in my eyes. He took my hand and sat on the desk.

"I know things suck right now, but just think. Soon, they'll be better than anyone in the Commonwealth can remember, and it'll be because of you."

The feeling of defeat faltered and fell away. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed his middle. The smell of outside and leather came back as I buried my face in his chest.

"I'd be lost without you, Deacon. Thank you."

My words were muffled, but I think he understood just fine.

"You know I'll always be by your side. As long as there's something in it for me."

He chuckled and I pulled away to smack his arm. He rubbed the spot I hit and tried not to laugh.

"I'm only kidding. You being there is all I need."

I laughed for real, feeling closer to happiness than I did earlier.

"Good answer, Dee. Good answer."

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