Chapter 40

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I walked into the police station, half expecting to be greeted the way I am in Sanctuary. But no such luck. The greeting I got was the opposite of enthusiastic.

"Hey civilian maggot. You aren't a member of the Brotherhood yet."

I narrowed my eyes at the man.

Paladin Danse stood behind the front desk and began scolding the man.

"Rhys, respect. This woman saved our lives."

I looked smugly at Rhys before walking to the front desk. I hopped up and sat on the counter.

"So, Danse. What do I do now? To be a part of you guys, I mean."

Danse gave a smile.

"You decided to join our ranks. Outstanding. I need you to clear out the Super-Duper Mart in Lexington. It's infested with supermutants."

"I think you mean Super-Duper-Mutants."

I burst out laughing.

Danse doesn't react,  and I hear Rhys groan. From a room behind Danse, I hear stifled laughing."

"Well at least one of you has a sense of humor."

Danse clears his throat.

"Shouldn't you be heading out now?"

I nod.

"I will be back."

I hop off the counter and leave the building. I get out of sight and teleport to Sanctuary.


I climb to the roof to find Deacon. Being high up is the easiest way to find him. I cup my hands to my mouth and yell.


I watch the street, and I see Deacon barreling through and looking around.

"Who said that?!"

I jump down and walk up behind him.

"Found you."

I grin as he turns around.

"I am an awesome spy! It took you months to realize I was following you!"

Deacon mocks an expression of hurt as I laugh.

"You keep telling yourself that."

He cracks up and has his usual smirk.

"Want me back on deck, boss?"

"You know I do. Want to kill some supermutants?"

"Will it be dangerous?"

"Isn't it always?"

"I'm in."

I laugh and take his arm.

"Hold on, this feels weird on the first go."

I set the destination to Lexington, and we were gone in a flash.


We stood in front of the Super-Duper Mart with our guns out. I pushed the door open and we snuck inside. I disarmed the primitive tin can traps and ducked behind a counter. There were four in sight, and at least twice as many hidden in the aisles. I figured the best way to take them out is draw them away one by one. I rolled across a gap and hid behind a cash register behind the closest supermutant. I poked my head above the register and shot the disfigured mass in the head several times. The thump alerted the other supermutants, and they all came to check out what happened. I hid in the cubby under the cabinet. I took out some mines, activated them, then threw them with all my strength at the group of supermutants. Two of them exploded on impact, and the other hit the floor, then exploded. I stood up to check how many were taken down. 

Six down. Who knows how many to go.

I reloaded my pistol and looked for where Deacon ended up. I saw him dive behind one of the aisles.


I whispered to him, but with no response. I groaned inwardly and snuck to the aisle he disappeared behind. He was stalking one of the mutants. He blew its head off with a shot to the head, but the sound rang out through the building. Two more supermutants came lumbering in, yelling about noises. I climbed up to the top of the aisles and jumped across them. I landed on the back of the closer one, and I began hurriedly stabbing at it. The other one took out its sledge hammer and took a swing. I let myself fall to the ground, and the hammer hit the other supermutant. I scrambled out of the way as the body fell.


I giggled at Deacon. He ran forward and pumped several rounds into the last supermutant's chest. When it fell, I stood up. 

"Looks like we're clear. Let's take a look around for some useful junk."

"As long as I don't have to carry it."

"Don't worry, the only junk you'll be carrying is you."

Deacon clutched his chest in fake offense.

"That was uncalled for!"

I laughed at his response and started searching for good stuff to bring back.

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