Chapter 28

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Drummer Boy ran over to us as we arrived at HQ.

"Desdemonda wants to talk to you."

I nodded and walked over to the large circular table that she was always hunched over. She looked up and watched me approach.

"You wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes. You took out a Courser all on your own? That was very stupid and dangerous. Why would you do something like that?"

I considered telling her the same thing I told the synth, but I didn't want to be rude.

"I needed to get the chip. To get into the Institute."

She breathed in deeply and rubbed her temple like I was giving her a bad headache.

"You got the chip? Intact?"

"It's a bit singed. But mostly intact."

Desdemonda held her hand out.

"Give it to us, Tinker Tom can decode it and get valuable information off of it."

I nodded and placed the chip on her hand. 

"It'll take us a while, we'll let you know when he's done."

"Alright. I'll see you later."


While we were waiting, I decided to visit Goodneighbor. We walked up to the gates and went inside. Almost immediately, we were stopped by a rough looking man.

"You're new here. You'll need some insurance. Give me a small fee, and I'll make sure no one empties your pockets."

My eyes narrowed a bit.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, give me your stuff, or someone else will take it from you. Forcefully."

I put my hand on the grip of my gun, preparing to pull it out if he got closer.

"I think I'll pass."

In two long steps, he was right in front of me. I pushed the nose of my gun into his chest and stared up at him defiantly. He pressed a knife to my side.

"I don't think you heard me. Cough up the goods."

"I don't think you heard me, I'll pass."

I mocked his tone, and refused to back off. Then a feral ghoul in a costume walked over and called the man over.

"Fred, what did I tell you about harassing newcomers?"

"I was just welcoming her to Goodneighbor."

"Did you forget that's not how we do things around here?"

I lowered my gun and watched their interaction. The man was much taller than the ghoul, and was more menacing.

"No, I know."

"Or maybe you want a new mayor? Are you acting out in protest of me?"


"What about the lady, huh? Were you just going to rob her blind?"

"I was only going to take some of the stuff."

"Wrong answer."

The ghoul took out a knife and stabbed the man in the guts repeatedly. I watched in shock as the man fell and the ghoul put the knife back in his coat. He turned to me.

"You alright?"

I nodded.

"Yes, thank you. But I could have handled it."

"He had a knife pressed to you."

"And I had a gun pressed against him. I was fine."

He chuckled.

"Well, then. Welcome to Goodneighbor. I hope what you just saw doesn't put you off to our settlement. He was just a bad seed. I'm Hancock, the mayor."

"Nice to meet you."

"I have something to attend to, but stop by the old statehouse later, huh? I have more to talk to you about."

"Alright, I will."

I nodded and the mayor walked away. I put my gun in the holster and went to the stores to resupply and sell the things I didn't need. Deacon and I then spent the afternon wandering around and exploring. 

"Hey, I got an idea."

I looked a bit suspicious at his claim.

"Alright, let's hear it."

"We have a competition. Whoever can steal more items wins. We meet back at the entrance to the Memory Den in two hours. And winner gets to choose what the loser has to do as punishment. And if you get caught, then you'll probably die."

I laughed. 

"A punishment for not stealing? That's a new one."

"So you want to?"

"Sure. You're going down."

"Whatever you say, boss. I've got hands stickier than wonderglue."

I laughed and put my hand up.

"Ready, set, GO!"

We both took off, and I immediately went for the stores with all the stuff behind the counters. I crouched and stealthily began clearing off the counters and shelves behind Daisy. I then went upstairs to her quarters and stole everything I could from in there. I walked out of the store as naturally as possible, and tried my hardest not to laugh. Then, I went to some other people's houses and took their stuff. Once it was time to meet Deacon, I went to the Memory Den and leaned against the wall to wait for him.

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