Chapter 29

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I didn't have to wait long before Deacon walked over with a smirk on his face.

"Let's go inside."

We went in the Memory Den and asked for a room. Irma pointed to one of the doors. We went into the room and closed the door. I put my bag on the table, and Deacon put his next to mine.

"Ready to see the loot, boss?"

I opened my bag and held it upside down over the table, spilling the contents. He nodded.

"Not bad. But not enough."

He pushed all my gathered stuff over to one side of the table and poured his own on the other side. We started counting the number of objects in each of our stashes. It was close, but Deacon had a few more packs of cigarettes than I did.

"Seems like I won, boss. Now, let's think of my reward."

I scoffed.

"Your reward is bragging rights."

"That's not what we agreed on."

"Fine. What's the reward?"

"I get to pick something for you to do. The possibilities are endless."

I groaned inwardly. He'll no doubt pick something ridiculous for me to do. Or embarrassing. Either way, I am not looking forward to it.

"Come on, pick something. We have other things to do."

"I'll let you know when I think of something."

I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. Let's head over to the statehouse."

I pushed everything back into my bag and slung it over my shoulder. We left the Memory Den and walked to the old statehouse. When we arrived, there were several neighborhood watch guys standing around, and a tough looking woman with the side of her head shaved. She watched us with a glowering expression as we approached the mayor. He gestured for me to sit on the couch next to him. I did so. He casually leaned back and put his arm on the couch behind me.

"So you're the one everyone's talking about. The Vault dweller. I hear you've been busy."

I nodded.

"You could say that."

He chuckled.

"I've also heard that you're good with your gun."

"Yes. That's true."

The ghoul shifted his weight, leaning a bit closer to me.

"The other thing I've heard is that you aren't seeing anyone."

I glanced at Deacon, who took a step towards the couch. I responded to the Mayor's advances as politely and professionally as I could.

"That isn't a topic I'm here to discuss, Mayor."

He chuckled again.

"Fair enough. But if a pretty thing like you needs a night out, let me know."

"I'm sure you had other reasons for bringing me here, other than to make passes at me. I'd like to know what they are, or I'll leave."

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Deacon relaxed and leaned against the wall again. The mayor pulled his arm back and put his hand on his lap.

"Right. There's this place I heard about, Pickman's Gallery. I need you to look into it. And I mean really look into it. Not just a once over."

I nodded and stood up.

"Of course. I'll come back when I'm done."

"One more thing, there'll be raiders there."

I grinned.

"They are no problem. We have dealt with much worse."

I walked out and Deacon followed me. It was already dark, and I didn't want to chance coming across anything dangerous on the way back to HQ.

"Deacon, let's stay here for the night. Hotel Rexford."

He nodded, and we walked to the hotel. I went up to the front desk and asked the innkeeper for a room. I gave her some caps and she put the key in my hand. We went in the room and closed the door. I took off all my armor and bag and put them in the footlocker at the end of the bed. I turned on the radio and tuned it to Diamond City station. I love listening to the radio, Travis and his awkward intros, and the wonderful music. The song Crawl Out Through the Fallout was playing. I started singing along with it, but stopped. Deacon had walked over to me and had his hand held out.

"Wanna dance?"

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