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start music

"WELCOME LADY'S AND GENTS BOYS AND GIRLS TO NOAH'S ARK CIRCUS" he started to juggle and some music started "ME NAME IS JOKER HOPE YOU IN JOY OUR SHOW" sorry I don't remember this its been awhile since I watched this and I'm re-watching the entire thing with my sis

"FIRST ACT OUR FIRE EATER JUMBO" he yelled as the performers rushed of the stage as a very tall man stood all but two kids who were in the rafters once 'Jumbo' finished "NEXT UP OUR ACROBATS WATCH THEM IN PERFECT sinicization PETER AND WENDY" they did some tricks blah blah blah "NOW FOR THE PRINCESS OF THE CIRCUS DOIN' DEATH DEFYIN' TRICKS ON THE TIGHT ROPE DOLL" now this was interesting I look closely and realized oh yeah I'm looking for missing kids oops I forgot "NEXT THE KNIFE THROWER WHO NEVER MISSES HIS TARGET DAGGER" meh I've seen this in the episode so it isn't really entertaining for me "NOW OUR VERY OWN SERPENT MAN SNAKE" Every time I hear that ugh really snake for a serpent man you chose snake geez "LAST BUT NOW LEAST BEAST" YAY finally the really entertaining part "FOR THIS ACT WE NEED ONE OF YE TO VOLUNTEER" I smirk knowin' how this is going to end "COME ON DON'T BE SHY" Then Sebby stood up "AH YOU IN THE TAIL COAT" Bassy walks up and jumps over the wall "now if you just lie down he-" joker was cut off as Sebastian walks right by him right up to the tiger I start laughing I did my best to hold it back but it was hard he knelt down and started rubbing the tigers face

"Ah what vibrant strips you have" everyone was shocked while Ciel faced palmed and I held back my laughter then the tiger bit Sebby's head that's when people started to freak Ciel looked at me I sigh and start to walk up beast tried to whip 'Betty' the tigers name I believe Sebastian caught it and made a comment I didn't quiet hear and Betty bit him again I ran up forgetting mid night was a snake
"BAD CAT DROP IT" I screamed Betty loosened her grip but didn't let go I glared then I felt Midnight start moving he dropped to the ground and I turned him into a wolf he immediately tackled Betty down growling she tried to move but Midnight presses down harder Betty cowered Midnight walked back to me and sat down luckily people were in such a state of shock they didn't see Midnight transform from snake to wolf back to snake but little did I know Snake had noticed my snake during his act
We were walking out Ciel scolded Sebastian then walked away do to his Cat Allergy "HEY YE TWO WITH THE TAIL COAT AND SNAKE" we heard and saw joker "can ye come back to the infirmary we'd hate if ye two gotten hurt" I looked at Ciel he nodded
"That would be best right Brother" I said acting he immediately got what I was doing

"I suppose but we should hurry" i wanted to laugh but didn't Joker leaded us to the living area there were a lot of people i saw Peter and Wendy i knew what they said then we was snake

"ah Snake do ye know were Doc my be" Joker asked i saw the snake point to a tent "oh he must be doin' his run" he said and we walked over i felt eyes burning into the back of my head it sent shivers down my back


'Doc' was checking Sebby for wounds dagger and Joker were there too "are you sure he was bit by Betty there isn't even a scratch any were" Sebastian went into a fan girl mode

"it was simply a affectionate nip" he fan girled Dagger and Joker sweat dropped

"affectionate?" Dagger questioned

"nip?" Joker also asked i giggled knowing that Sebas~Chan healed really fast do to the fact he was Demon

"Doc me leg is acting up again can you che-" Beast walked in but cut herself off it was Dagger's turn to fan girl he keeled down in front of her

"it must be destiny i came to get my leg checked to it must be a sign" Dagger said but was cut off when Beast walked right around him and started yelling at Sebby

i iz tired so this chapter over there is 772 words in this chapter that's all for today and all i have to say bye kittens devil's daughter out

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