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(quick note slightly important i reread what I've written...it might be rewritten eventually cause it's a cringe fest...and i completely forgot i made the reader Swedish i will start putting it in the spot light more accent wise at least)

I slowly open I'm eyes gazing at the ceiling. I reach my hand out to grab my bag only to notice the lack of its presence. I sit up quickly my eyes scan the room mentally cussing, until my eyes land on midnight or 'Lucas' who was digging through my bag. "What are you doing?" I asked looking at him questionably.

"You know for a bag that can fit anything and has everything you could organize it" 'Lucas' replies boredly
"Hey if I can find what I need it's organized, so DON'T mess up my system" I counter. " What are you looking for anyway" i ask, while snatching my bag away from him.
"Food" I raise a eyebrow at him. I sigh dramatically before reaching in my bag and grabbed a bag of Cheeto's out.
"Here, you better get rid of this they haven't been invented yet" he rolled his eyes at me snatching the bag. A huge smile adorned his face, as he ripped the bag open and inhaled its contents "animal" I mutter.
"Good to know I'm living up to my reputation" he jokes, grinning at me. I chuckle slightly, Midnight seems happier here, and I don't blame him.
"You know I kind of need my ice breaker" a little inside joke between us. having an animal follow everywhere almost 24/7 causes people to ask questions.
"Oo what animal this time let me guess cat" he says mocking my small obsession.
"Fight me Midnight" I state seriously, staring him down. Midnight just looked at me legs crossed Indian style, grinning at me. "And no I need you to be a snake" I growl in slight annoyance, my accent making it sound sweeter then I meant. Snapping my fingers Midnight turns in to a snake.
"ຍິນດີ?" (Happy{lao}) he hisses, as I place him around my shoulders. Ignoring the rhetorical question I snap again changing my clothes, to lazy to actually change today. It was a simple brown coat, white blouse, and brown pants. I didn't bother with shoes because my feet are independent appendages who don't need no shoes to protect them.
"Preach my children we don't need no mans." I whisper to myself jokingly causing Midnight to look at me in amusement. "Yes I remember the last time I made that joke I stepped on glass seconds later don't remind me" I mumble rolling my eyes. (true story)  I start to make my way to the breakfast area, as I walk I put my hair into a high ponytail. Sighing I plop down next to Ciel on the ground. I resist the temptation to laugh at his pathetic attempt to peal the potatoes.
"What are you giggling about!" He exclaims at me. Before I get the chance to reply Sebastian starts being his butler self commenting on Ciel's failed attempt at dressing himself. Finding the situation quite amusing as Ciel becomes embarrassed about it. I sit stifling a laugh as Ciel blushes at his mistakes and super Sebastian swoops in and saves the day. Suddenly getting childishly excited at the mention of fish 'n chips I jump up with puppy eye looking hopefully at Sebastian. "really Sebastian! I love fish 'n chips they're not better then (F/F) but it's food none the less!"
(Y/N) rambled on cutely about food being gods best creation. Grabbed my arm out of excitement pulling it close to her chest. Feeling the light red hue take place on my features I cut her off. "Yes, I can make fish 'n chips." I reply, glancing away from them the scene on my arm. "I'll need my arm back to complete the task though." Her grip tightened on my arm as (Y/N)'s face lit up. she pushed my arm away aggressively. Out of embarrassment she stared at the ground pouting, whilst crossing her arms defensively.

"shut it demon" she mumbled out harshly. Through she had attempted to hurt me with her words. I couldn't help but stare with a deepening blush 'she's like a kitten feisty yet adorable.' even the harshest things she says to me her accent makes it seem like a melody. controlling myself around her is close to impossible especially when she inadvertently teases me.  her entrainment don't get me started. I've know her for such a small amount of time yet she has me wrapped around her finger. even demons have weaknesses, and i think I've met mine.

---Third Person---

(Y/N) was sitting with freckles and Ciel happily chowing down on her huge portion of food. She had also grabbed a small plate for Midnight, Who ate without complaints. sitting closely to the blue-nette pirate she listened in on the conversation he had with freckles. "so smile have you, black, and luck been together long." freckles asked loudly. luck that's what joker decided (Y/N)'s name would be. when she asked why he told her because how lucky they had been to have acquired a lass like her. 'what a cheesy line' she had thought originally. that's why she had been wondering why it affected her so much. when she was alone she become flustered over the thought of it. "oi am i gonna get an answer or not" The brunette snapped her out of her thoughts. it seemed both her and ciel had gotten distracted by their thoughts.

"Smile and Black have lived together for awhile." The (H/C)-nette stated, "Midnight and i are  new additions but we've stuck together like a family" (Y/N) faked a go-lucky smile wrapping her arm around the uncomfortable teen.

"wow like the first-tiers and snake huh" Freckles said, " they're childhood friends but snake's newer but they're still as close as a family would be"
"I guess something like that" (Y/N) smirks down at Ciel while ruffling his hair. "Right smile!"
"Right" Ciel grumbled as he slapped her hand away.
"Don't mind him he's quite a grump" (Y/N) pouts resting her chin on the heel of her hand.
"Alright I'm done time to head to practice!" Freckles announced loudly taking his plate. Leaving behind a confused Ciel and an excited (Y/N).
"Come on Ciel! Let's go!" She said as she grabbed the poor boy's hand dragging him behind her.
Word count: 1178
Hey kittens I didn't realize how long it's been since I watch bb I had to rewatch the season to get this out but I've been working hard :) and working on side projects I want to get out after this one even though that won't be for awhile thanks to everyone who's stayed with me and my new readers who joined recently even through my drama well that's all for today and all I have to say bye kittens devil's daughter out!

Gypsy Woman (Black Butler X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora