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I woke up in my tent. midnight was laying in front of me, he was still in his human form. i smiled poking his forehead. Midnight stirred slightly. "Luke wake up" i softly said. He simply groaned and rolled over. i smirked, getting an idea. "Luke wake up or get beat up" i sat up shaking his shoulder.

"what are you gonna do you're tiny." he remarked pulling the covers closer to his face.

"oh dear, you're right Luke." i sighed "what will a frail girl like me to do..." i smiled trying not to laugh. i positioned my feet to the middle of his back. careful not to let him know what i was up too. "i guess i'll just have to suffer knowing i can't do anything." i push my feet to his back, successfully shoving him to off the bed. he hit the ground with a thud.

"What the hell!" he exclaimed, he sat up quickly. "what was that for?"

"What do you mean?" i fanned innocence. "i'm too tiny to have done anything". Luke scoffed while picking himself off the ground. I stretched with a groan before swinging my leg off the edge. that's when i noticed, i was wearing a large shirt. "is this yours?" i asked. the shirt hiked up my legs as i scooted forwards. my legs were crossed with my lower thighs exposed. He looked towards me.

"Is what mine?" he asked pulling a outfit from a trunk. I motioned towards the shirt. "Oh, yeah it is." he said casually before taking off his shirt. i nodded unaffected by his actions. i mean we have changed in front of each other hundreds of times.

The flaps to my tent opened revealing Sebastian. "Y/N, i wanted to ask you about-" He stopped as he saw Luke. Sebastian's eyes looked at me. His eye seemed to twitch as he saw my 'outfit'. "who's this?" He almost sounded jealous. Luke and i shared a look. This could be fun.

"This is Luke." i answered, while Luke finally put a shirt on. Sebastian gave Luke a once over. i could tell Luke was trying to keep his composure. He looked over to me smirking.

"You should get ready for breakfast" Luke mentioned nonchalantly. I smiled and nodded. When I stood up the bottom of the shirt slid down covering my thighs.

"Is there something you needed to talk to me about?" I asked turning to Sebastian. He simply gave me a closed eye smile.

"It can wait, my lady. I'll see you at breakfast" with that Sebastian left. I waited a minute before i burst out laughing. I jumped up and hugged Midnight. 

"This is so much fun!" I exclaimed my arms around his neck. Luke's face was shocked for a second. His hands instinctively landing on my hips. His expression relaxed as he smiled.

"i'm glad you're enjoying yourself" he said. 

"Are you kidding!" i giggled pulling him down to kiss him on the cheek. "this is the most fun I've had in years." I rested my chin on his shoulder, hugging him. "and i get to enjoy with you! In your human form" i left him go. my hands lingering on his shoulders for a second.

"it is nice huh." his facial features softened. i looked though the trunk for an outfit.

"it's more then nice." i gleamed as i picked out a simple outfit. "it's the best thing to ever happen to me" i quickly changed, Midnight being the gentleman he is looked away.

"it is pretty exciting here." he played along. Midnight ran a hand through his hair lazily styling it. i smiled as i brushed my hair. 

"i can't wait to see everything play out right in front of me!" I've seen this Season hundreds of times. Book of circus was definitely my favorite season. I put my brush away and grabbed Luke's hand. "Lets go get breakfast." i said cheerfully pulling Luke behind me.

3rd person

Y/N pulled Luke into the mesh tent. the two sat at Ciel's table. Freckles and Sebastian sat on the other side. Luke began eating as Y/N swung her arms around Ciel. "how's my favorite munchkin today!" she sang.

"get off me." Ciel said harshly pushing her off. she pouted nudging him.

"you're so mean." she mumbled before turning her attention to Sebastian. "So Sebby-" she began.

"don't call me that." 

"someones upset this morning." she laughed. Luke smiled watching the exchange.

"who's he?" Ciel and Freckles asked in unison

"you brought him." Sebastian wasn't an exception to the chorus of voices.

"This is Luke." Y/N said happily. "he's my friend."  she wasn't lying.

"hm... i haven't seen you around before." Freckles said slightly confused. This Caught the boys attention. "you must be new!" He said reaching his hand across the table. Luke took it and they shook hands.

"Y/N." Ciel said to catch her attention. she looked his way. "where's Midnight?" he looked suspicious. 'crap' she thought. Luke grabbed her hand under the table. This action quickly calmed her.

"in my tent" She answered quickly. "little turd is tired." Y/N joked. Luke squeezed her hand not appreciating how she referred to him.

"really? i didn't see him this morning when i stopped by." Sebastian chimed in. 'these two are such a headache' she thought getting stressed by the questions.

"i can't keep him with me 24/7" she lied. "he's an animal. he has needs." This was the easiest lie she's told, so why was she so stressed over it. "he was out hunting for breakfast when you came by. he got tired after and came back for a nap." she knew why, she had never lied to a demon before. 

The two seemed to find your answer acceptable, but you were still nervous. "so Sebastian, what were you going to tell me earlier?" She inquired.

"we'll be helping with preparations for the show tonight" Sebastian said simply.  Y/N nodded before digging into the food in front of her. tonight would probably be pretty hectic.

Luke held a box following Y/N around. She stopped before performers adding final touches to their costumes and fixing their hair before they left to perform. Luke and her haven't left each other's since that morning. they hadn't needed to. Y/N was enjoying spending time with him. she didn't get to spend a lot of time with Midnight in his human form. Luke wasn't complaining, he missed hanging out with her like this. while they we're prepping she saw Sebastian and Ciel gossiping among themselves a couple of times. 'probably plotting their next move.' she thought smirking to herself. Luke finally put the box down. he stretched his sore arms. 

"Do you remember what happens next?" he asked softly trying not to let others hear.

"yup, i can't wait for the show!" Y/N said, her smile was wide. Things were about to get even more interesting.

Hey... it's been a while. i'm trying my best to say interested in writing this fanfic, so i'm re-watching the season for the 100th time. hopefully that will motivate me to write more.

word count: 1170                                 published 7/1/2020                                 not edited

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