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I was waiting with Ciel in the carriage. Sebastian is taking some time talking with the troop, Suddenly Ciel started sneezing. I smirk and say singingly, "Looks like someone is talking about you." He scoffs at me.

"That's just a superstition," he says plainly.

"That's what people say about demons" I shot back. I could see in his eyes, he was considering my point. though he waved his hand dismissively at me. "Aw is the emo pirate upset," I say in a babyish voice. This causes him to he scowl at me.

"Don't ever call me that again, you bloody wench" he spat out angrily.

"Such spiteful words coming from a pint-sized kid," I smirk just as he was about to respond, Sebastian opened the door. Interrupting our lovely moment.

"I hope I am not interrupting something," Sebastian says with his infamous smirk plastered on his face. I gave him a bittersweet smile. What I would give to wipe that smirk off his face.

"No, now that you're here let's go already." To Ciel said in a bratty tone.

"Aw I like it here" I childishly pout while crossing my arms.

"Why are you acting like a child?" Ciel retorted, with a glint hint of curiously hidden in his eye.

"What? Am I not allowed to act like you?" I forged innocence in a sweet voice. His scowled at me in annoyance. On the other hand, Sebastian was trying to keep a straight face. I continued to sweetly smile. Before I knew it we were off.
when we got back to the Phantomhive manor, Sebastian showed me to my room. I flopped over onto the bed. Midnight curled up in between my shoulder and neck. I closed my eyes and considered my choices of today. my mind started to drift off. thinking of my old life, of the abuse, of the lies, of the false confidence. The more that I thought about it, the worse and stronger the emotions became. Suddenly I felt something against my cheek, it soon disappeared. Then I felt it again, I turn my head slightly to the side. Only to be bopped on the nose by a certain cat. "Midnight" I whisper lovingly, I start giggling when he put his paw over my mouth as if to silence me. I scratch behind his ears, he leans into my hand. Suddenly a loud booming noise fills the room and Midnight jolts away. "You scaredy-cat it's just thunder" I smile amused by his reaction, to the simple noise.
"you try having sensitive hearing a during a thunderstorm! see how you like it!" He snarls at me. his piercing, blue eye going straight through my head.
"Ok I get it, I'm sorry" I say apologetically, then smirk and whisper teasingly "you pussy cat". His glare hardened, if looks could kill I would be beyond dead. I start to let my eyes wonder around the room. It was very Victorian, I mean what did I expect. But what caught my attention most was the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The way it sparkled and glowed seemed hypnotic to say the least,, All I really wanted now was to sleep. Midnight now seemingly to be two steps ahead of me. he had already made himself comfortable on one of the many pillows. I change in to the provided night grown and headed to bed.
I slowly opened my eyes feeling lightheaded. the curtains suddenly flung open. A certain butler standing there smirking. I growled at him. "you arse" I said in a false British accent. This seemingly amused him greatly. To my dismay he left, leaving the sun to torture my poor, innocent eyes. I groaned and reluctantly got out of bed. I changed in to a dark blue dress

 I changed in to a dark blue dress

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I can't describe it.

along with matching 2-inch-high heels, a skull necklace, and black velvet choker. I wore a dark purple lipstick, smoky eyes, and 2 lace bracelets. My hair was styled in a (HS). I grabbed (FC) Hermione bag, and then make my way to the dining room. When I arrived Ciel was already eating breakfast. "Ciel, good morning," I mumbled. He quickly uttered a response and continued eating. I sat down at the mahogany table and started consuming the food placed in front of me.


After breakfast, we headed out to the circus. Apparently, Sebastian had gotten us 'interviews' to join. I wonder what I'll do in a circus. My mind slowly drifted off as I stroke midnights soft, fluffy fur. My thoughts were rudely interrupted by Ciel

"did you have to dring that thing." He scowled, glaring at Midnight. I gasp, I was truly offended.

"Midnight is not a thing" I scold "he is a magnificent creature, he can be what I want when I want." I finish with a deadly glare

"does he have to be a cat" he inquires rudely.

"no, but I know this form of his bugs you most," I say smugly. He simply scoffed at my antics. Soon after our little... disagreement we arrived at our destination. I change Midnight into a snake, seeing this as an easier way to transport him around. With that, we were greeted by a crowd of performers.

Hellooo Kittens sorry for the wait. I have no excuse, just everytime I sat down to write I couldn't think of what to do. But I am back now and with BETTER GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION. (better not perfect.) and spelling. But to the ones who waited, I thank you. There are 945 words in this chapter that's all for today and all I have to say bye kittens devil's daughter out!

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