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I sat on a crate watching black and suit. My legs crossed with my face rested on the heel of my hand. Luke was leaning against a post near me. I let out a heavy sigh.

"Not as entertaining as you thought?" Midnight mocked me. i shot him a glare.

"I knew they swung for a while... i just forgot that i would be experiencing it real time." My gaze makes its way back to the performance. Dull, this was dull. i really hope they do something soon. it's been fifteen minutes. "the most recent amusing thing was the look on Black and Suit's faces when they learned they'd be performing together." i whined, that was twenty minutes ago. I felt a thud as Midnight sat behind me on the crate. He wrapped his arms around my waist casually resting his chin on my shoulder.

"there's no use complaining. It's not like you can change it." he mumbled i could hear how bored he was.

"actually i could, but honestly using magic right now just feels like a cheat." i said leaning back into him.

"having magic is a cheat." he muses i felt him shift to get more comfortable.

"Smile should be looking around tents right now." i mentioned changing the subject. my eyes moved back and forth with black's form. Even when the demon was just swinging, he still looked stunning.

"and that means what?" Midnight questioned before letting out a yawn.

"the asthma attack will occur soon" i droned noticing the two immortals seemed to be talking. "the first tiers will be suspicious of Smile and Black soon too. it's possible they'll suspect us as well. Though there's no way to tell since we aren't in the original story." i straighten my back realizing what was happening in front of me. "finally!" i cheered leaning forward. Midnight groaned letting me go. He must have been comfortable. Beast glared at the two of us as she pasted. she was holding her bodice in place. a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. I ignored her continuing to focus on the show. My eyes widened as i watched Sebastian grab the death scythe. he pulled William from his bar. they swung back and before Suit could hit the wall he retracted his Scythe. the two supernatural creatures got closer together. Suddenly Sebastian flung the both of them. Sending the two through the air. They both gracefully landed on opposite platforms. Sebastian gladly accepted the praise from the crowd. William seemed indifferent. I was impressed but disappointed. the whole thing lasted seconds. Luke snickered crossing his arms.

"I bet Suit is going to spend hours sanitizing his scythe." Midnight joked. I snuffled a laugh with my hand.

"he might keep it as a memento of their first date." I mused. A shadow cast over us. Looking up revealed a very displeased Reaper.

"I wish you wouldn't joke about something so distasteful." Suit's voice while monotone held a slight hint of disgust. i smiled widely at the tall man.

"I'm sorry my humor makes you uncomfortable Will." I teased. I noticed William's brow twitch in irritation.

"Don't address me so causally mortal." Suit leaned forward his face churned. "you reek of that demon."

"really!" i cheered "i try my best." smiling sweetly. "i prefer demon over reaper. Less of a deathy scent and I like the smoky smell it has." Suit seemed a little taken back by my words. I pat Midnight's shoulder. "I don't think it's the same demon you think it is though." My body was pulled into Midnight as he wrapped an arm around me. William's face contorted into pure disgust.

"Mortals really have no shame these days." He exclaimed reeling away from us. The Reaper gave us one last glare before walking off.

"You sprayed me with Demon pheromones at some point didn't you." Midnight laughed.

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