Chapter 6 - Life in the Shire, Part 3

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Warning: Minor character death and brief mention of blood


"Okay, Uncle Bilbo, I know you said that you didn't want any presents, but Elena and I got you some anyways," Celia said cheerfully, reaching behind the armchair and pulling out a small, wrapped package. Looking gleefully up at the hobbit sitting in said armchair, she couldn't help but smirk as he raised an eyebrow at her. 

"You know," he said mildly, as he watched her put the present in his lap and return to her place by Elena on the couch, "It's hobbit tradition for the birthday person to give away gifts on their birthday, not receive them." 

Elena laughed. "Considering that we got gifts for our birthday as well, I think it's only fair that you get some on your birthday. Consider it to be even after this, and we can start following hobbit traditions from now on." 

Bilbo shook his head amusedly. "My poor father - his only child abandoning the most sacred of the Baggins code - tradition."

Celia shrugged. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe he'd just be happy that you're not sulking in your armchair anymore, waiting for an awesome girl and her nerdy brunette sister to come flying into your life." 

Bilbo tossed his head back and laughed. "Because that's exactly what I was doing," he commented sarcastically. He paused for a moment before laughing again and saying, "My mother, however, would be thrilled that I had essentially adopted two dwarf girls, and was planning on going on a most likely suicidal journey with a bunch of dwarves I've never met. She always was a Took to the last." A sad light entered his eyes. "I only wished she could have met you - she would have loved you both."

Celia and Elena exchanged a look. While they knew that Bilbo's parents had died in a different way than the books of their world told, and that he had been quite a bit younger, they still didn't know what exactly had happened. 

They gave him a few moments of quiet to regain his composure before Elena said softly, "Would you like to open your presents now?" 

Bilbo startled a bit, having almost forgotten that they were there. He looked gratefully at the twins before glancing down at his lap and nodding. "Why not?" he agreed with a slightly sad smile on his face. The twins exchanged hopeful looks before settling back to watch as he lifted the small package from his lap and began to examine it.

"It seems awfully light," he commented, hefting it experimentally in one hand. "Are you sure you remembered to put the present in?"

Celia slapped a hand to her forehead. "Dang it!" she exclaimed. "I knew we forgot something!" 

Bilbo chuckled as Elena rolled her eyes, carefully unwrapping the present and setting the cloth aside. Lifting up the object in his hand, he looked at it curiously. In his hand was a circular, golden locket, that bore the image of a paintbrush and a palette on one side, and on the other was a symbol he didn't recognize - a staff, with a snake wrapped around it. 

"It's the staff of Asclepius," Celia explained when she saw him looking at it curiously. "It's often used as a symbol for healers in our old world," she said, indicating herself and Elena. "Take a look at the inside."

Bilbo carefully undid the clasp on the locket and opened it up. On one side was a detailed drawing by Elena of the three of them, smiling as if posed for a portrait. And on the other was an inscription in Celia's neat handwriting. 'Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what. Thank you for letting us become a part of your family. Love, Elena and Celia, 2940, TA.' 

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