Chapter 34 - Waiting

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~~ Elena ~~

When she woke up, she was alone in the room, although her sister seemed to have cleaned it up before she left, and someone must have stoked the fire, because she was absolutely roasting underneath her blankets. 

The empty tub had been pushed to one side, and their dirty clothes had been gathered up, whether to be washed when they got the opportunity, or just put out of sight, she didn't know. She let out a soft sigh and sat up, starting to stretch before the pain in her left arm told her that it was a bad idea. She shrank back down, rubbing her arm instinctively in an effort to dull the pain. 

There was a knock on the door before her sister opened it and peered in. "El? You awake? Because if not I - oh. Uh, I brought Óin to take a look at your arm. You okay with that?"

Elena nodded, sitting up fully and unraveling the loose wrap from her arm so that the older healer could take a look at it. She tried not to look at it as Óin examined her arm, twisting it gently to view it from different angles in the light from the window. 

She typically wasn't squeamish at the sight of blood - and she had seen a lot of it in the past few months - but there was something about the sight of your own blood that made her slightly nauseous. Then again, it could also be fever from infection, or something like that. For all they knew, the arrow had been poisoned, and the athelas had only delayed its effects.

"How are you feeling?" the dwarf asked her, peering at her with sharp eyes. "And mind you don't hide anything, even if it seems like something minor. It could be important in the long run."

She chewed on her lip absentmindedly before admitting that she felt slightly nauseous. "It could be from seeing my own blood, though. It's happened before several times, and the nausea doesn't feel too bad. My arm doesn't hurt too much, it's pretty much just a dull pain unless I touch it, or stretch it or something. But I also feel really hot. Did someone stoke the fire in here, or is it just me?"

Óin glanced at her sister, seeming to have a silent exchange before turning back to her. "Lass, the fire's burned down to just the coals. It's not putting out much in the way of heat. Your cheeks are flushed, and your eyes are dull. Not to mention the heat radiating from your skin. I'd say you have a fever."

"Does that -" Celia swallowed hard. "Does that mean that the arrow was poisoned? Or that the wound got infected?"

Óin shook his head. "It's too soon to tell, I'm sorry. But the redness and swelling around the site have gone down, so that's a good sign. The athelas may have helped with that. Applying more may help keep any infection at bay, and I can brew up a tea that will help with the nausea. And the bleeding has stopped, which is good. I'll see if they have any more athelas around here - the last of my supply was ruined in the river, and I believe the last of yours was used already." 

He strode to the door, deep in thought before turning around. "If you feel up to it, I think the two lads were wanting to see you - they were a fair bit worried about you earlier. Shall I send them up?"

Elena nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. "Sure. That'd be nice, thanks."

"Óin," Celia called, just as he was about to shut the door behind him. "Ori might have some more athelas. I don't think we used his, just mine and Kíli's. I didn't even think of it earlier, or I would've used it by now."

Óin chuckled. "Don't blame yourself too much, lass. Things were a touch crazy for a while, there. And the rest did your sister good, even if she doesn't look it. I'll be back with the tea in a bit." He sent a firm glance to Celia. "Make sure she doesn't get too roused up, and feel free to send them out if she gets too tired. Rest can only help her, and we're not going anywhere until Bard gets back with some weapons for us, at least, and he told us that might be a while, since the house is being watched."

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