Chapter 59 - A Welcome Trespasser

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Thranduil was sitting at his desk, bent over some paperwork from the incident with the dwarves when a hasty knocking at his door interrupted him. The command to enter had barely left his mouth when Tahlia - one of the younger elves in the Guard - came bursting in, clothes amiss and panting heavily. Whatever message she had, it was clearly urgent. With that in mind, he set his paperwork to the side, careful to ensure that the ink didn't smear. 

Raising an eyebrow at her disheveled appearance, he asked coolly, "What seems to be the matter, Tahlia? I trust it is urgent."

She nodded hastily, tugging her tunic back into place as she stood at attention. "My king, there is a matter that I believe requires your full attention at this moment."

"Indeed?" He suppressed a flare of amusement at her nod, obviously struggling to remain professional and not take great gasps of air. "Then I believe it would be wise to appraise me of the situation, would it not?" Two spots of pink appeared on her cheeks, and he felt his lips curl upwards. Oddly, though, she seemed to hesitate before answering, and he raised an eyebrow again. "Well?" he asked sharply, impatience coloring his tone.

"Apologies, my lord," Tahlia said hastily. "It is just that... well, I believe it may be best for you to observe the situation yourself."

He sighed, observing her languidly without leaving his seat. "This urgent matter cannot simply be explained to me, I must observe it for myself? Is there nothing which you can tell me, to ensure that I am not merely wasting my time? Or where I must observe?"

He got the sense that, were it not deemed unprofessional, Tahlia would be wringing her hands together. "Apologies, my lord. But I fear I cannot explain the situation correctly without you first being there. And the location is the Queen's Gardens."

Thranduil stood up abruptly, knocking his chair back and narrowing his eyes at her. Tahlia didn't flinch, but she did stand up straighter. "And tell me, Tahlia," he hissed. "What has happened in the Queen's Gardens that I am called there, when so few are allowed to enter it?"

Tahlia ducked her head in a light bow. "Please, my lord. If you would suffer yourself to accompany me to the gardens, I believe all will be explained satisfactorily. Please, my lord."

He searched her gaze, but found no answers, only earnest pleading. Whatever was at the gardens was something she truly believed he needed to see, and as a member of his Guard, she had earned the right to be listened to in matters like these. 

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Very well, Tahlia. I shall be there shortly," he dismissed her. Recognizing his tone, she bobbed her head in acknowledgement, and disappeared. 

Once he was alone again, Thranduil sank back into his chair, gaze falling to the silver wedding ring on his left hand.

The Queen's Gardens.

A shudder ran through him. He had avoided them for so long after she disappeared, the pain still too fresh for him to seek out anything that reminded him of her. He had the royal gardeners take care of it, of course. Anything that held her memory was kept clean and fresh in honor of her. But... it still hurt too much, and so the Queen's Gardens was closed off to all but the gardeners, his son, and, occasionally, himself, when he was feeling particularly emotional.

Bereft of her companionship, he protected what was left of her with everything he had, from the gardens, to their bedroom, to their son. If she were here, she would doubtless tell him he was an overprotective fool for one reason or another.

If she were here, he would pull her into his arms and never let her leave again, no matter what she called him. If she were here, he would tell her he loved her a thousand times for every day that he couldn't.

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