Chapter 10 - Leaving the Shire

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Elena shook her head, giving up on her sister.

"Pardon me, Elena, but we should start mounting up. Uncle wants to get going as soon as possible," Fíli said, breaking into her thoughts.

Elena tilted her head thoughtfully. "I suppose I'm riding with you then?"

Fíli nodded. "And your sister will be riding with my brother. Uncle and Balin thought it best that you ride with us, as we are the lighter members of the group, more experienced riders than some, and since we already met you last night."

Elena chuckled, nodding her head to where Kíli was tightening the straps on the saddle of his pony and talking to Celia at the same time, an animated look on his face. She looked unamused. "This should be interesting," she said with a grin.

Turning to look at his brother, Fíli tilted his head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Biting her lip to stop a grin, she finally gave up and admitted, "Celia hates riding horses. She loves archery; earned a whole bunch of awards for it back home, and can go camping on her own like the best, but she's never been able to ride a horse. At least, not on her own. She claims they hate her, and always have it out for her."

Fíli smiled. "You're right. That does sound like it would be tricky for her. However, my brother, despite his general inexperience, is an excellent rider, and will do his best to keep your sister on the pony. But, what about you? You have said nothing of your skills with horses. Shall I require a strap to keep you on as well?" he asked, eyes twinkling with mischief.

Elena snorted. Making a show of going over the saddle, she raised an eyebrow as she pulled a strap tighter. "Planning on sending us both flying, instead of just me?" she asked wryly.

Fíli grimaced. "Ehhh, I may have forgotten to double-check that strap," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

Elena nodded easily. "Of course. And just so you know," she added, "I got third place in a horse camp, once. I was one of the shortest girls there, of course, as apparently the height gene carried across worlds, but I still did better than about twenty other girls."

Fíli smiled, giving a bow before taking his place on the pony. "I see now that you are a true horse master, my lady. Was your sister among those you beat in your contest?"

Elena snorted, expertly mounting the pony behind him. "I would have beat her, of course, but she flat out refused to come. Something about having the sense to be scared of creatures that could trample her to the ground without breaking a sweat. And that would most likely enjoy doing so."

Fíli tilted his head to the side. "Your sister, she is... afraid of horses, then?"

Elena nodded. " Kíli's going to have a hard time getting her on the pony," she said with a laugh.

Fíli shook his head. "I'm not too sure about that, Elena," he said, gesturing over to where Celia was seated - albeit with an extremely discomforted expression on her face - on her pony behind Kíli, glaring at the dwarf, who, judging by his expression, was trying desperately to hold in a laugh.

Elena narrowed her eyes. "Can you bring us over there?" she asked. "I have to know how he accomplished that." Fíli grinned and acquiesced. Once they got close enough, Elena called out, "So, Kíli, how exactly did you get my sister on that pony? I've been trying for years to get her to start riding, and she's refused me every time."

Switching her glare to her sister, Celia bit out, "Kíli had nothing to do with it. I got on the pony because I had to. Back home, I never had the need to ride, so I never did."

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