Chapter 48 - Excerpts From Erebor

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~~ Celia ~~ 

Acting Chief Medical Officer's Log, Stardate: Unknown. Season: end of fall, beginning of winter. Reason for Log: Yet another attempt to keep me from going insane from worry. I really hope you're around to laugh at me for this, Elena. Borrowed some paper from Ori for this.

Day 1 after Smaug died, middle of the morning.

It all happened so fast. From me and Kíli disobeying Thorin's order - more on that later, as I have no doubt you'll want to hear about it - and sneaking in after them to being trapped underneath a bit of rubble, to watching Smaug lay waste to a distant Lake-town. 

We couldn't see it, couldn't hear the screams of the people trapped in the burning buildings. Couldn't feel the sheer terror and confusion as an enraged dragon descended on them, determined to wipe out every last one of them. Not from our relative safety in Erebor.

We could guess, though. We'd just walked into a dragon's den and poked it with a stick, and barely escaped with our lives. Tip for the future: Playing tag is not nearly as fun when the dragon is 'it' and actively looking to roast you alive. Getting back to the point, though - we knew a little bit about their fear, but I think the dwarves who were there when Erebor fell, like Thorin and Balin, felt it the worst. 

You see, the Company - we chose to face the dragon, foolhardy as it may seem (and certainly was, even if we miraculously didn't die.) But everyone in Erebor and Lake-town, they had no choice in the matter. They were innocently going about their lives until a dragon descended upon them to bring wrath and ruin and aren't I poetic? I'm rambling now, sorry. I think I might still be in shock after I came way too close to a freaking dragon that tried to burn all of us alive.

We did escape though. Everyone who entered Erebor has survived the night, if not uninjured. Kíli and I both scraped up our legs a fair bit, and will doubtless be limping for the next few days, but should regain full mobility before too long. Nori broke his nose, and I had to put it back into place, which he was not happy about. Ori's poor hands were so bruised he was wincing the whole time I was wrapping them, and he's got a few burns on his back that means he won't be doing any heavy lifting for a bit until they heal.

Glóin and Dwalin had a few minor burns, as did Bífur. Bombur and Balin seemed to be completely untouched, although they were wise enough to let me check them over without complaint. Maybe they saw my need to distract myself. They are kind, after all. 

And I know you're worried about Bilbo. Don't be. He has a hard head. He says he might have hit his head on the edge of a corner or pillar somewhere during their mad dash for a hiding spot, but he can't be sure. I examined him thoroughly, though, and apart from a minor headache, he really is fine.


Day 1 after Smaug died, afternoon.

And that leaves one more person. One person who refused to let me treat him, and the one person who perhaps was the most affected by Erebor. And I doubt anyone will ever read this except for you and me and perhaps our descendants, should we survive to have them, so I feel safe enough writing this here, as I don't think anyone's searching our bags for the Arkenstone just yet. 

You get one chance to guess that it's Thorin. Because it's him. He wouldn't let me examine him, and frankly, I didn't want to push it. He's lost that faint air he used to have when speaking to us. You know, a bit less harsh, less threatening. It sounds awful, but I don't feel as safe as I used to with him. At least, not him now. He's changed, and not for the better. 

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