Chapter 24 - When Second Impressions Go Better Than the First

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~~ Celia ~~

Celia woke up early the next morning before the rest of her friends, and carefully played hopscotch around the sleeping bodies to avoid waking them up. Once she was far enough away that she could move about with some noise, she pulled her brush through her hair before braiding it back into a french braid, grateful for the seeming ability of dwarf hair to go for multiple days without washing before becoming greasy.

Now ready to go, she joined her uncle, Thorin, and Gandalf, who were all standing by the front door, conversing in low whispers.

"Ah, Lady Celia, I am glad to see you are up," the wizard said when he saw her. "Perhaps you can aid us in our attempt to decide our next steps with your... knowledge."

She couldn't help the wince at the fact being so blatantly spoken, considering they were trying to keep it a secret, but nodded in agreement. "What're you trying to decide?" she asked curiously.

Thorin sighed. "Whether or not we should speak to the skin-changer who owns this house, or simply try and slip away before we can be stopped. Gandalf believes that we should seek his aid in reaching the forest. Bilbo and I are... less convinced, as we have heard multiple times that both forms are swift to anger, and are not overly fond of dwarves."

Gandalf turned to her, bright eyes watching her with interest. "What do you think, Lady Celia? Is there any information you believe we should know before attempting either course?"

Celia chewed on her bottom lip for a moment as she thought about the best way to present the information to them so that they could make an informed choice. Unfortunately, there really was only one option that was open to them, and it wasn't exactly the most favorable.

"Well, I guess I can tell you a little bit," she said slowly. "I can't tell you everything that's supposed to happen, of course. But I can say that we're on Beorn's lands. He would most likely know what we did and where we are either way. But he would probably have a slightly better view of us, and might be more willing to help if we went up to him about it. Gandalf's right," she added, glancing up at the wizard. "We probably won't be able to reach the forest without his help. If anything, we might have more problems if he spots us in his bear form again, and sees us as a threat."

Thorin narrowed his eyes and glared at the ground as he mulled over the new information. Gandalf seemed lost in thought as well as he leaned on his staff, and Bilbo seemed content to sit and wait for the other two to decide. At last, Thorin looked up and nodded decisively.

"Very well. It seems that the safest course would be to present ourselves to Master Beorn and seek his aid. I will tell the others once we are all awake." He glanced at Bilbo and Gandalf. "I trust you are not opposed to this?" They both shook their heads.

"If Gandalf thinks it's the best option we have, even if it's still not a very good one, and Celia seems to be hinting at it too, then I suppose that that's the one we should take," Bilbo commented. "Might be a bit nerve-wracking, but it is the polite thing to do, after all, to introduce oneself to one's host."

Celia saw Gandalf hide a smile at that, and even Thorin's lips seemed to briefly twitch upwards in what might have been an indication of humor before the dwarf king turned to her.

"Why don't you wake up my nephews," he suggested. "Bilbo has seen Beorn in his man form, so it should be safer to approach, and it is best to do so now, that we may be done with the matter. Most of them should already be awake by this point, but my nephews may be harder to arouse." His eyes twinkled for a moment. "Feel free to use whatever methods you think fit to awaken them."

Celia straightened her body and snapped off a salute, green eyes brimming with the possibilities of mischief. "Yes, sir!" she agreed instantly. "Thank you for the opportunity, sir!" She bit back a snicker as she quickly scampered off to do her appointed task, her mind poring over the various options she had. She thought she heard muted laughter from behind her, and grinned briefly as she darted back into the room they had slept in.

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